Opener was good, but the only reason I'd like the first hit is that it was clean, honestly.
Airdrop to the second hit could have been better. Grab was well placed, but your fall made it harder to kick the glutes, I imagine.
So overall it was nice, but it's an overdone idea, you can't really expect much from it.
oh yeah
The way you continued the opener was smooth as fuck and just looked sexy.
The first hit was really superpooper clean and looked pretty nice. I didn't really like that you decapped him seems like you could have done something more creative. The hit after that was just great , the explosiveness really added to the replay.
w0w I like your style ok
All your spins in the beginning are superfancy and I like how you line up uke for the kill
Contracting your leg right after a kick without letting it extend fully is a sin in my eyes and makes the kick look weak and bad.
Spin to the next kicks were nice, but the kicks themselves were bland and didn't really add anything to the replay. You also looked silly when kicking for the 2nd time.
Skeet was a nice touch though.
I like you
The opener was really simple, however it appealed to me because of that.
The spin was gold. First two kicks were really nice, got you a perfect amount of lift.
Transition to the core was really nice, the fact that you completely reversed your flow didn't ruin the replay.
Core was nice.
The way you got the double hits was really nice.
Pose was something that wasn't generic, love it.
Oh yeah, the wrist dm was a great addition, especially since they're awesome and no one does them.