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Discord: mellicape
Originally Posted by azzeffir23 View Post

Btw congratz sir.

I got kinda confused by congratulations when I read your post at first, then figured out it's most probably on becoming a legend. Still thanks :o
What are your dreams for Toribash? What do you want it to become?

A competitive game? Maybe a relaxed less competitive game?

Also, is Toribash currently running any ads?

i miss you ocean
Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
What are your dreams for Toribash? What do you want it to become?

A competitive game? Maybe a relaxed less competitive game?

Get rid of the necessity of having to use forum to do simple tasks like inventory management, sharing user-generated content, using clan features and so on. Lots of things honestly, about half of what's being suggested in the S&I board would make the game better. It's more of a question of what's possible to have implemented and whether it's worth spending time/money on.

I think it should combine competitive and casual play. There are players who are all about esports, and even though I think Toribash being an esport is a cancerous idea at this point, competition is surely needed. That's one of the main goals of matchmaking system that's being worked on now - let players compete and see how good they and their opponents really are.
At the same time Toribash is great for its diversity and imo it's wrong to focus on a few mods the community defines as "competitive" and ignore all other mods. You can have half of your body torn into pieces in Toribash and still fight, and stupid bloody mods are probably what attracts new players the most.

Originally Posted by Parrot View Post
Also, is Toribash currently running any ads?

No, at least not that I know of. Used to run some minor ads years ago, but there's barely any need in them now that the game is on Steam. Biggest issue is the retention rate, not Toribash being hard to discover.