Christmas Lottery
Hmm, kind if a strange replay.
The opener seemed like it had a lot of possibilities, but then you extended your knee on your contracted hip, which threw you upside down.
From there it looked like you lost a lot of your flow.

I think you could edit this replay and get a cleaner outcome.
You can do better
Whao man: That replay was sick...
Loved the basic opener, spin was great, as was the kick and you transitioned into your pose very fluently
Last edited by Lucid; Feb 28, 2015 at 01:17 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Thanks, Lucy. :3 I agree with you, but, whenever i try to edit a replay i already made and saved, i can never make it better Dx
as for the spin, yeah, it was hard to get that boom but it was so worth it imo. and the pose was easy, which is rare.

Here's a low grav stiff-ish replay. i hope you guys like it. ( Title is lyrics from: )
Attached Files
Ezo- Call The Blue Sky Red.rpl (156.3 KB, 21 views)
Last edited by Ezophlee; Mar 4, 2015 at 11:24 PM.
replays pls cnc me
Ezo! njdfdffjjfidifdifi

okay so this replay was very stylish the opener was pretty sick but what i didn't like is that it was way to close specifically i saw the body part touch your shoulder before you grabbed other than that i like the extra decaps and pose.

Hopefully that's enough CnC for that one.
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Thanks, James! Yeah, there was nothing i could really do about the closeness that wouldn't ruin the entire replay. :c

here's a fail
Attached Files
epic fail.rpl (128.0 KB, 15 views)
replays pls cnc me