Originally Posted by Martin
It wasn't a big duel tbh, but n8x decapped me in the third round my head flied for three more rounds and then i managed to DQ him a second before my head touched the ground. NEAT
I'll watch after work, here I can't even download tb, I've been playing so damn good these last days, Lenshu, ABD and boxshu, might go for diamond tier rank this weekend
Originally Posted by
that's epic
by the way have you guys already applied to make mm official?
We did on 2k15 and success now we are still on a set-up phase in this reform, remember that in the past we were a spanish-only clan and now we are open to anyone, so here we speak in both languages and still need to increase forum activity a bit and then we can start enforcing some "High Quality Post" rules and adding new stuff, plus we might change our name through a private members only poll. -EDIT: Just received my prize from Hole in the wall 4 Event, The new beanie can hold textures in it's layout! how much will be worth that? only 6 people have it, 3 before the event and 3 more after the event (martin, someone else and me) (ins3rt h4ppy f4ce)
Last edited by Jenson; May 24, 2019 at 06:33 PM.