Original Post
Clan merge?
Ok im going to be making a clan
and i need to get some more members
So im asking you if you want to do a clan merge
I really don't want to see KO die because this was one of my 1st clans i joined

If you say yes:
we can work out a name
Me and the leader of this clan will lead the new clan
Our mods and most trusted members will become a council
Council meaning that we are a group who determines what decesions shall run

Now its your decision

Edit: change my decision decided ill not make a clan
sorry for the inconvenience
Last edited by Buttchouda; Jul 11, 2009 at 10:23 PM.
If we were to merge the name should be Klan Impossible!
Last edited by RickyM97; Jul 10, 2009 at 05:12 PM. Reason: I jus read the edit!
Klan Opposition.
I dont even think a merge is possible. The founder of KO would have to agree to it. Since rollin is not around that cant happen.
Oh thanks, It doesnt matter now I just noticed his edit.

Originally Posted by McBurger View Post
Edit: change my decision decided ill not make a clan
sorry for the inconvenience