Original Post
Hey guys...
Well, I've actually been thinking of this decision for quite some time. And there has been set backs and members I just simply could not leave. And there are still members that I will regret leaving, but many of the original members of this klan have left or gone inactive. Don't think that it's only the members and inactivity of the Klan that is making me make this decision, it's also my recent activity. I don't believe my current (and most likely, future) activity is good enough enough to be a leader of a Klan.

Don't worry, I'll try to fill unfulfilled promises, such as making our website and making art for Ricky's Klan Opposition website. I'll check back on this clan and even help out with managing the Klan, such as hosting a recruiting server, and doing other forum work for Klan Opposition. Of course, I will do this only if you guys allow/want me to.

As far as my replacement goes, I trust Azazell to pick the replacement he finds best for me.

Please, Klan Opposition, don't become inactive or die out, I truly do not want you guys to die here. Don't let what we formed and stand for perish, because I believe the Klan's vision is a great one, and I hope all current and future members keep it like that.

Lastly, I want you to know it's been fun in Klan Opposition and it's been a pleasure talking with all of Klan Opposition's current and past members.

So now it is my turn to say, good-bye Klan Opposition.

Last edited by Buttchouda; Jul 11, 2009 at 11:00 PM.
wow im very surprised aza hope u make the right decision and good luck to u buttchouda uve been a great co leader
Well honestly coolboy the only person I can think of to replace butt is you. If anyone disagrees PM me and tell me why. I will make my decision in 24 hours.

And coolboy let me know if your up to this responsibility.
Thats a shame, but I WONT LET THIS KLAN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Also Azazell Coolboy is a good decision and do you have to pay to make orgs?
Klan Opposition.
Originally Posted by Buttchouda View Post
I don't believe my current (and most likely, future) activity is good enough enough to be a leader of a Klan.

butt you can just give up your leadership to some 1 dont have to leave
Last edited by omegax; Jul 12, 2009 at 06:31 PM. Reason: .