I was trying to make an Iaido mod (still haven't managed to by the way), when I started to fiddle around with the wrist. Then the idea hit me: Why not make a tonfa mod? And here it is. It might still need some tweaking, but I guess it turned out ok. Basically, your hand is kinda like a sword, but your wrist spins in a way that makes it look (kinda) like twirling a nightstick. Also, the tonfa (hand) is instagib.
You can stop the tonfa with your body, which looks kinda cool if done right.
Enjoy! And I wanna see comments people! >.>
EDIT: True Nightstick version is up! Scroll down a few posts to check it out.
Last edited by Rhaken; Aug 10, 2007 at 03:55 PM.
Reason: Updating Version History.....kinda
Well, this suggestion might make the mod completely different, but a tonfa is usually kept parallel to your arm, and when you attack you either let it stay and just strike with the arm, or you swing it out for extra speed, found an image on google showing how to hold it.
Otherwise it's just a sword mod pointing down :/
if you make it like the guy is holding it, it would be pretty hard to do fast attacks.. you would have to get your arms up... with the way the mod is now its hack and slash... kinda sloppyswords meets handsaws (if i got the description right) looks pretty cool though...
Yeah, that was precisely the problem. I didn't get around to try it like Twistshock said, but unless I completely feck the wrist up it'll suck. You know what? I'm gonna try that now. Thanks for the idea.
EDIT: New Nightstick mod is now finished! This time around, it looks more like a real nightstick.
I'd like to thank Flesh-Eating-Bug for helping me test this mod. THANKS BISH! >.<
Any comments or replays appreciated. And I wanna see some multiplayer ideas for these mods! :P
Last edited by Rhaken; Aug 10, 2007 at 03:52 PM.
Reason: Adding the new mods
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.