I'm working on a mod at the moment fixed for a 90 degrees rotated gameplay. But im having one problem atm. The hands ar misplaced and are at the actual postition where they should be normally.
Mod is included and here's a list of the settings needed to play.
(I hope somebody can fix this.)
default : single
match frames: 500
Turn Frames: 70
mod: Ninjutsu.rbm
flags: 3
Dismemberment: 1
Fracture: 1
Disqualification: 0 (multiplayer 1)
DM Treshold: 100
Fracture Treshold: 150
dojosize: 0
Engage Distance: 275
Enage Height: 0
Engage Rotaion: 90
Damage: 0
I realy hope somebody can fix the hands cause that screws this mod up.
MOderator pls move tif this is the wrong board!! (wich I know for sure -.- clicked wrong board to fast and didnt notice -.-) Move to Mods
Last edited by Hamade; Aug 12, 2007 at 07:22 PM.