My First Mod...
i was trying to make a sword and sheild mod it didnt work out so i bring u
Body Crusher Mod
This is a mod it looks like you have cinder blocks super glued to your hands and they are really good for smashing things i find it best to contract elbows, and contract pecs with uke's pecs contracted but if u can find anything else post...
this is my first mod i am not really sure how to mod correctly i was messing around with a mod creator and i wanted to see if i could pull off making a sword didnt work! so i made this!
By the way it is called 6259555 cause i wanted it to be near the front of the list for testing!
I will Post one for only Tori Soon! and a picture in my next post aswell
Last edited by PwnUNubs; Aug 16, 2007 at 07:38 AM.