Weekend Bash
Original Post
CBK, and why it's timeless.
First off, allow me to remind you that I'm the leader of CBK.

I may not play ingame as much as I used to, but my clan has Imsku. If you'd take a moment to look in the richest members of the ToriShop, you can get an idea of how much he plays. Hamr's active, and we're currently training Vii to become as fearsome as I am. We have two possible recruits applying as I type this, and a third who we're almost definitely not allowing in.

We're in the Clan League, and my team showed up with 8 members, while our opponent only dredged up 1.

Even if I'M not quite as ingame-ish as I used to be, I haven't lost the touch. I was rank 7 yesterday like wow. 3 the day before. And atop tha, I break my ass over the forums, reading over every single post in Clan Talk and Official Clans... EVERY post. Every clan. A to wHo. Takes me a good hour, hour and a half per day to properly sift through it all, and that's not always counting administration I do. I operate the toribash IRC channel. I'm everyone's best friend, which is HARD to maintain when I have to use my power to turn people down. I do a lot around here, WAY too much for my clan to be removed. CBK may be the oldest standing clan, closely alongside Torigod. It's an artifact. Shine it up, put it in a display, stare at its majesty for hours on end. Don't throw it out.
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
First off, allow me to remind you that I'm the leader of CBK.

I may not play ingame as much as I used to, but my clan has Imsku. If you'd take a moment to look in the richest members of the ToriShop, you can get an idea of how much he plays. Hamr's active, and we're currently training Vii to become as fearsome as I am. We have two possible recruits applying as I type this, and a third who we're almost definitely not allowing in.

We're in the Clan League, and my team showed up with 8 members, while our opponent only dredged up 1.

Even if I'M not quite as ingame-ish as I used to be, I haven't lost the touch. I was rank 7 yesterday like wow. 3 the day before. And atop tha, I break my ass over the forums, reading over every single post in Clan Talk and Official Clans... EVERY post. Every clan. A to wHo. Takes me a good hour, hour and a half per day to properly sift through it all, and that's not always counting administration I do. I operate the toribash IRC channel. I'm everyone's best friend, which is HARD to maintain when I have to use my power to turn people down. I do a lot around here, WAY too much for my clan to be removed. CBK may be the oldest standing clan, closely alongside Torigod. It's an artifact. Shine it up, put it in a display, stare at its majesty for hours on end. Don't throw it out.

The only problem I see with CBK is a few inactive members. However, they have MBK, Hamr, Imsku, and Vii, who are extremely active.
Dont forget meh. :P
nah jk.
But CBK shouldn't get the boot.
[eVo]LtKenny- Huh... Cocks are fun to play with...
[eVo]LtKenny- If your name is Zackarie!
kntornsrin- Swing and a miss >.>
o so very true i saw hamr yesterday and Vii is getting quite regular now imsku i saw the other day. a clan doesnt have to be overly active but aslong as atleast one person shows his/her face its all good
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord

I may not be as acive in-game as other poeple, (im 2nd dan black belt) but you can't say I'm not active on the forums, a possable reason being, that i get mod requests almost every day, and i try to do what I can with them. CBK is my first clan, I've been in it all this time, I put the word breakfast in Japanese on the back of my head >.<, it's been a great clan, it is a great clan, and i hope it continues to be, for toriyears to come, and I'm proud to start up toribash and see that good old CBK tag, right there where it should be, "[CBK]MrPoptart"!
Last edited by MrPoptart; Dec 1, 2007 at 09:38 AM.
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
I haven't lost the touch. I was rank 7 yesterday like wow. 3 the day before.

Pfft. ranks. :P Anyway, I agree with MBK on keeping CBK alive, It's one of the (last) good clans.
Originally Posted by ManBreakfast View Post
Shine it up, put it in a display, stare at its majesty for hours on end. Don't throw it out.

Already did. And do. CBK is like a national treasure. Plus, MBK is one cool dude.

Losing CBK is like... Like losing a tasty morsel of the community.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Then CBK shall stay.

Thanks guys.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.