Weekend Bash
Original Post
Server Commands List
The following is a list of all the commands used for servers and multiplayer, the format is described below:
Format: /command <Parameter> [Optional parameter] -Description

defs code:

value: any integer number.
IP: Internet Protocol Address.
bool: A boolean bit, 0 or 1.

commands code:

/ban <username/IP> -Bans the username or IP from that particular server.
/bet <tc> <username> -Place a bet on a user.
/betframes <value> -Sets how many frames from the start of each game until bets are not accepted.
/bets -Lists all current bets.
/buynudge <self> -Nugdes you to the top of the queue for the nudgeprice.
/cancelbets -Cancels all current bets.
/chatlines <value> -Changes the number of lines in the chat.
/chl <value> -Short hand for /chatlines, changes the number of lines in the chat.
/clear -Clears all text in the chat window.
/clearbans -Clears the ban list for that server.
/cp <text> -Places a central message that all can see within the server easily.
/deop <username> -Removes the said persons operator rights on that server.
/desc <text> -Sets the server description that users see when searching for games.
/dismemberthreshold <value> -How likely it is for joints to dismember. 0 is disabled, 1 is instant dm, 100 is default.
/dl <username> -Downloads all textures and times for that user.
/dojosize <value> -Sets the dojo size, 450 is the default for aikido.
/dojotype <bool> -Sets the dojo type, 0 for square dojo or 1 for round dojo.
/dqtimeout <value> -Sets the number of frames you can have a joint touching the ground for before you dq.
/duel <tc> -Enables or disables duel mode for the stated amount of tc.
/earnings <username> -Shows how much a player has bet, won, and earned.
/ed <value> -Sets the engage distance.
/em <text> -Short hand for /emote, places written text above your tori in-game.
/emote <text> -Places written text above your tori in-game.
/en -Short hand for /enter, enters the player queue from the spectators list.
/engagedistance <value> -How far apart the players start.
/engageheight <value> -How high the players start.
/engagerotation <value> -Relative angle at which the players start, 180 would start them back to back.
/enter -Enters the player queue from the spectators list.
/enterfee <tc> -Makes users pay to enter the queue, TC goes to the house.
/fenter <username> -Force enters the said spectator.
/fknock <username> -Knocks the user to the bottom of the line, even if they are playing.
/fracturethreshold <value> -How likely it is for joints to fracture. 0 is disabled, 1 is instant frac, 100 is default.
/fspec <username> -Force spectates the said user, even if they are playing.
/giftnudge <username> -Gives another user a nudge to the top of the queue for your tc.
/hotseat -Enables or Disables hotseat mode on tori, all players take turns to fight the player who is tori weather tori wins or loses.
/house [username] -With username; makes the stated user 'the house', without username states the current house. The house gains 10% of all lost bets and gains the entry fee.
/jo <server-name> -Shorthand for /join, joins a server.
/join <server-name> -Joins a server.
/kick <username> [text] -kicks the said user with the written text message that you add.
/knockout -Enables or disables knockout mode, similar to lockdown mode except it fspecs the loser and fknocks the winner from each match.
/knockoutprize <tc> -When knockout mode is activated, whoever set the knockout prize will be sponsored and donate the specified amount of tc to the winner.
/ko -Shorthand for /knockout, enables or disables knockout mode, similar to lockdown mode except it fspecs the loser and fknocks the winner from each match.
/lm <mod-name> -Sets the current mod, you must get the mod name exactly right and include the .tbm file extension.
/lockdown -Enables or disables lockdown mode, which stops anyone in the server from being able to enter or spectate.
/login <username> <password> -Logs you into that account in-game.
/lp <bool> <username> -Loads the said players textures onto either tori (0) or uke (1).
/matchframes <value> -Sets the number of frames in a match.
/maxbelt <Qi> -Sets the maximum Qi a player can have to enter a server.
/maxclients <value:1-32> -Sets the maximum number of people that can join a server.
/maxrake <value> -Sets the maximum amount of lost bets that the winner of a match gets (capped at 10%).
/minbelt <Qi> -Sets the minimum Qi a player can have to enter a server.
/minbet <value> -Sets the minimum bet.
/minsb <tc> -Sets the minimum selfbet.
/motd <text> -Sets the message of the day that all users see when they enter a server.
/muteall -Mutes the entire server, with the exception of ops and admins.
/music status - info about current playlist/track
/music queue - list tracks in queue
/music list username - list custom/username tracks
/music normal|repeat|random - control what track is played next
/music play custom/tori/track1.ogg - play a specific track
/music play tori - play all tracks from custom/tori
/music volume [0-128] - set music volume
/music start|stop|pause|resume|next|prev
/nudge <username> <value> -nudges the user to the any position in the player queue.
/nudgeprice <tc> -Sets the nudgeprice to a specific amount of tc.
/op <username> -Gives a user operator on a server.
/opt emote <bool> -Enables or disables emotes showing on your screen.
/opt text <bool> -Enables or disables the chat showing up on your screen.
/owner <password> -If the right pass is given, the server will op you.
/pass <password> -Enters the server password so that you can talk in the server and enter the queue, provided it is password protected.
/passwd [password] -If a password is given, users can only enter by giving the password stated, otherwise the server is unlocked.
/quit -Quits the game.
/rec -Attempts to reconnect you to the server you are in, if you are not connected.
/reset -Resets the current match in progress.
/rf -Refreshes the server list so that when you search for players or games they are up to date.
/rm -Remembers the username and password for the account you are logged into.
/rt -Shorthand for /reset, resets the current match.
/rules -Tells you the minbet, maxrake and so forth for the server you are in.
/sa <username> -Searches for full and partial matches for the given user and states which server(s) the user(s) is found in.
/selfbet <tc> -Gives you a nudge for a selfbet once playing.
/set -View the current server settings.
/set flags <value> -Sets the flag for a server, for the following flags add the numbers together to combine options, I.E: 6=DM, No Grab. Flags: 1=DQ, 2=DM, 4=No Grab, 8=Fracture.
/set mod <mod-name> -Sets the current mod, you must get the mod name exactly right and include the .tbm file extension.
/set re <value> -Sets the amount of time you have on the timer for each turn. counts in seconds.
/setowner <password> -Sets an owner pass in-case the OP pings or leaves the server.
/shout <text> -Places a message that everyone can see on the screen.
/sp -Shorthand for /spec, enter spectate mode which removes you from the player queue.
/spec -Enter spectate mode which removes you from the player queue.
/specall -Spectates everyone in the server, admins and ops included.
/sponsor <username> <tc> -Buy a nudge for another user to the top of the queue, paid by betting on him.
/stats <username> -States a user’s stats.
/status [username] -Tells you the IP of a player, or everyone if no player is specified.
/stopbet <uke|tori|off> -
/sumo <bool> -Sets sumo mode on or off which makes wrists and ankle joints not DQ like hands and feet.
/turnframes <value> -Sets the number of frames for each turn.
/unmuteall -Unmutes anybody that is muted.
/voicechat on|off - Turns the voicechat on or off.
/voicevolume [username] <0-1> -Changes the voicechat volume for everybody or a specific person.
/voicemute <username> -Mutes a player in voicechat.
/voiceunmute <username> -Unmutes a muted player in voicechat.
/whowas <username> -Tells you when that said user connected to the server along with their IP, and how long ago (Only works if they were online recently).

Vox : Formatted the list, removed duplications, fixed errors.
suomynona : Made things happen.
GMs : Compiling the unformatted list.
#support : Fact checking.
marcus : New Commands added
zwouter : New Commands added

Polish translation

Last edited by ancient; Oct 9, 2023 at 02:54 AM. Reason: Added Tag