Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by gunbunny View Post
So what if you have boosters you still can win 100tc per day

Yes you can. The limit is that you can only WIN TC FROM the first 100 matches...

Originally Posted by Tonnyc View Post
I won the day over 100 tc xD

Dueling/tournaments/events don't count bro. ;o
I think this is the perfect instance of someone not listening to a mod. Also, you can play 100 games a day to get both Qi and Tc, but games count losses as well. So if you played 100 games in 24 hours and won 70 of them, you lost out on that 300 tc for the rest of those 24 hours.

Moderate me twilight, then talk to me on skype because I am lonely.
(It's bowler/top)
goodbye cruel world
i think i might be wrong so dont take me as if im completely right
so its been 24 hours since my first win yesterday and i still dont get tc im sure of this i might be wrong but i remember it as if it was longer than 24 hours and im playing publicly so i should be getting tc can you make sure of that if you can?
. . . So if you started from scratch and played your ass off you would be able to afford a clan after almost a MONTH!? and without boosters there is NO way to get any more? so 1000 TC MAX each day from normal fights? That is absolutely ridiculous (to make sure i get this straight you get NO tc until you complete the 100 fights? or does tc stop coming at 100?)
Well. . . what have we here? a signature?. . . AH well. . . have fun scrolling
Originally Posted by Brenden98 View Post
. . . So if you started from scratch and played your ass off you would be able to afford a clan after almost a MONTH!? and without boosters there is NO way to get any more? so 1000 TC MAX each day from normal fights? That is absolutely ridiculous (to make sure i get this straight you get NO tc until you complete the 100 fights? or does tc stop coming at 100?)

There are tournaments in-game which award certain amounts of tc depending on your belt (from 500 tc to 5,000 tc depending on your belt), as well as tournaments in-game which award 500 tc regardless of your belt. These are free tournaments that everyone is welcome to participate in and they happen all day every day.