Weekend Bash
Before you start flaming Shlimmy, DON'T.

He either didn't see how old or he really needed to find it. And he is new. Don't bash him.

For your awnser, try searching the forums using the search button. Or Google.
Last edited by Nellis; Sep 22, 2007 at 03:13 PM.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Eh? Oh. Yes. I was preparing to meet the face of PlayerID666. So I was just protecting Shlimmy from PlayerID666's harmful flaming. And I guess I forgot to add "flaming" in the post.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
No no no.

Shlimmy made a big bump. Now I thought PlayerID666 was gunna flame him like he usually does.

And I forgot to add the "flame" in "Before you start flaming Shlimmy, DON'T." So it DID sound like I was flaming HIM. But I ment to say DON'T flame him. So I edited my post.

So there.
signature. your into this paste and copy backwards, this read to enough dumb were you if
Lies! There were no forums in the middle ages, only chat rooms!

Also, how could i make a hand go directly in the middle of the chest joint? (aka what position)
Last edited by Blam; Sep 22, 2007 at 05:54 PM.
Get the chest's position from one of the default.tbm things. There are a few around.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Im making a Spinning Lightsaber Instagib mod ( a Combination of The Handsaw mod and the Lightsaber_3 mod), but I tried anything but i cant make it spin.
I looked at the Handsaw mod with Nodepad.
Here's the text of the mod:

body r_hand
shape cylinder
sides 0.05 3 0.05
alt_sides 0.05 0.02 0.0
pos -0.2 0.9 2.3
material steel
color 255 0.1 0.1
flag 6

Can anyone see the Problem??
This wil be my First mod!
If anyone see the Problem, Mail it to <[ME]>