Weekend Bash
(M)Explosive sole-sooo nice replay,i love the power what you used.Kicks was very good and fast.
I made new replay when i was bored because hampa fucked severs again...
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Brrr_Symphony.rpl (192.9 KB, 22 views)
indeed, it is very sexy.
creativity and movement was at the top
i just wish you'd get that decap while getting those arms
good flow, good momentum, creative idea. good job.
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#hrs - m - navy force.rpl (265.2 KB, 31 views)
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
indeed, it is very sexy.
creativity and movement was at the top
i just wish you'd get that decap while getting those arms
good flow, good momentum, creative idea. good job.

I liked u'r replay cuz of 2 reasons:
1) Dat boom... I liked so freain' much, rly.
2) Style. Your style looks like Swex's one. And it's cool
Here's another my replay.
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#Death - boomshock.rpl (85.0 KB, 16 views)
Good replay,i like the opener, kick look very nice and dmg are perfect.

Here is my new spar with Crocap.We some fucked start but just look on other part.....
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Brrr vs Crocap Cool Spar.rpl (985.6 KB, 10 views)
I really enjoyed this one, very good momentum, nice dodges and moves
I don't really like commenting sparrs because, they're so long, pose was pretty damn nice but one thing what I dont like about it (and in rest of the replays), is that neck move in very end of the pose :/.
Now something what i made :P
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#aadame - bboying and shit V2.rpl (474.5 KB, 11 views)
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
Very nice kicks but this replay could look better without grab on the end
Btw i did something weird on multiplayer xD
this is the best glitch or kick ever
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lol.rpl (93.5 KB, 10 views)