Weekend Bash
Original Post
(Serenity) Serenity's embrace

"Falling down upon my knees; crying out for someone's help, but no-one answers my one plea, because no-ones there; it's only me......For this is my serenity"




Application details

Last edited by Bavaros; Jul 19, 2016 at 08:30 PM. Reason: Casual fix
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
There is now 3 new ranks I have made:
Dream Weaver = can send invites, and edit clan threads.
Dream Crusher = can kick members, and withdraw invites.
Dream Reaper = Can mange clan wars.

You may choose which one you wish to be, or i can assign one. The choice is yours, or we can forget the ranks non-sense.....either way....what do you think of this?
If you want an arm band :P
first image is for left, and second for the right
Attached Images
SerenityBandLeft.png (3.4 KB, 11 views)
SerenityBandRight.png (3.5 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Bavaros; Oct 15, 2014 at 07:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
Hey Guy i think we should start having conversations on this tread more instead of just talking in game. If we could do this more people could see our clan and we could start a recruitment Thread to get more Active members across Lots of different mods instead of just Wushu.
that is a very good idea rare we need to widen our range.
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
hey guys thanx for the invite,was gna shoot for some big clan name ,but i think with b and rare and yuien we have a chance to make something here,and id rather be a part of that.

rare as me and b discussed ingame i did not like the idea of enoc in the clan ,but after seeing him play i see he has some potential he just needs more cb prac he has decent strikes, so i decided against kicking him as was the power given to me by you.

two things worry me though he is a bit young it seems to put it modestly and also his loyalty,so we have two options here , we can train him ,show him support , guide him ingame if his talk gets bad.i would like to mold a loyal player.i can take that responsibility for you guys if you want.

i would also like to hear your thoughts rare and yuien on usher?

also with regards to training i dont think we should change peoples styles ,rather let them keep their styles maybe just point out the weak points ect ect ( if bav can arrange a meeting in game).

as i say these are all suggestions,and your clan ,so you are free to your opinions ,please share them with me good or bad.

and once again congrats guys im sure we wil make something worth remembering

If there is no enemy within,the
Enemy outside can do you no harm.
Everything is looking good bava, you only need a recruitment thread and make the clan page a bit more fancy ;), good to see another wooshoe clan around
Thank you deii, and I do agree risen about enoc, but he needs to show us more that he wants to be apart of our clan, cause he does have the skill to be good, but he needs the proper push to get the idea, so once he decides want he wants there will be a seat for him saved, but right now we need players that will give us a good starting name. Times it is hard to be judge and jury, but some times people need kick to wake them up. As far as usher. I think he will be a good part, but that is still under discussion. Like I told you risen, I think a tourney would be a good start to get serenity's name out there (without war ) As far as styles; I would love to have this clan to be more than a wushu clan, cause toribash is more than wushu. Thanks for the congrats, and I hope we do make something of serenity's embrace
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
Bavaros, we have some members that can do the art for you guys for a decent price, iKas can make nice banners so if you need any help just pm him. (KradoxTB is inactive )
Super Moderator, Event Squad, Market Squad. If you have any questions shoot me a PM!
You've sent 200430 TC to BankofSins.
Don't spend it all at once guys
Last edited by Rare; Oct 19, 2014 at 08:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump