Weekend Bash
Looking to qualify for Reaper rank(not that anyone needs to be reaped at the moment...but for future purposes when our clan grows larger and certain people are warned and step out of line multiple times... i would also take a clan vote from our council before any such reapings take place)
you wanna be a dream reaper huh
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
Originally Posted by Rare View Post
could you add more information in your app, like your age, mods you play ,and maby some personal information about yourself or when you are ar normaly ingame and on forums.
try to make you application mor like a letter not a list ,Thanks

ah ah alrighty

My ign is 0wafflez0,is a 3rd dan black,wanted to join you guys since you all wushu ppls are here.
I always play wushu, i don't rlly think if i play any other mods o.o
I live in HongKong so it's a GMT+8, i sometimes appear from 10pm to 4am.
I don't rlly use the forum much as i don't rlly know how to use it, so find me in public wushu when you want to find me for anything.

(sorry for that super short app cause i don't rlly know what to put in xd)
i already asked for reaper ,reaper is the war master and yiuen said "i am the only war master"
If there is no enemy within,the
Enemy outside can do you no harm.
well, two reapers is fine with me, and it would allow for managing wars to be more easier if two, or more had to say so to go at war with another clan; besides the leaders blessings
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"
i agree me and data will decide and ultimately after our discission get the go yay or nay from the leaders. also bav i see we have alot of wushu members here but as i can recall your voal wasnt purely wushu based clan.i invite everybody to tell us their main mods perhabs u are and avid mushu or rk mma player ...we just need to know so that in the invent we do go to war we know who can atend what mods .also to see what we as a clan are lacking in mods specifacally .
If there is no enemy within,the
Enemy outside can do you no harm.
Name: scimmietta
Belt: blue
Reason to join: I love this clan!! because in this clan there are my best friends (in toribash)
I agree with you risen, and that should be changed, cause toribash is more than wushu.
Good Renders Everyone's Emotional Doom.
"Come with me, and let's watch the world burn together"