Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Chintu View Post
guys what about chapa3?

thanks for asking chintu

I got 2 neutrals and 2 yes, do I need to apply here again?
nah you don't need to apply again
just stick around and wait


• [OLDA] • Striking Reborn • [RMO] •
• I Am Flame Fairy & Do Misc Art. Pm Me For Requests! •
apologies guys, I'm cancelling my app. I've realised that although you are active on forums I rarely see a member ingame.

sorry again.
Yeah, usually asking if you're in or not will make us think of retracting our yess'

Patience, is key we will state if you have been accepted, once you've been accepted.
Alright chapa3, seeing that you have no absolute No's on you joining us after a few days. I am accepting you as a trial member. This will last 2 weeks, during those two weeks you will need to be reasonably active with us. Do that and you will gain full membership.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Nick Names: Vitta, Lucent, Official Ocean

Belt: 2nd dan, My Lucent is custom belt.

How do you act in game?: Fun, and competitive without even being an asshat since some competitive players just can't stop cursing at their opponent. Lol.

About how many times do you post on the forums weekly?: When i have places to post on, i post a lot. Evil members from 2011-2012 knows how active i was on the forum.

Do you use IRC: Yes, most of the time I am on my pc and I am always in #Evil since the first time i started being active on IRC which was 4 years ago.

Why are you applying for [Evil]?: It was my past clan. Good to see that the elders are still here, feels great to be with my old friends. And Evil isn't as active as before, even ingame, So I'm rejoining Evil to help out too, which is why I am gonna bring my active troops to help Evil gain it's activity back ingame and on the forum, and so it can start climbing the leaderboard. Trust me my troops aren't asshats. I wouldn't keep asshats in my circle.

Have you been banned/infracted in the past (if so, for what): On Lucent, yes. Account trading, but i wasn't active when the warning was pm'd to me.

Favorite mod?: AikidoBD, Greykido. My 2 favorite mods.

Skills outside toribash?: Programming, Sound Engineering, Music Producing, DJ.

Current clan you're in (if no clan leave this out): None.

Vouchers(who would say you're good enough to get in): Hyde, Apex

FYI: I've been in Evil twice. 2011-2012, and early 2014
Last edited by Vitta; May 2, 2015 at 05:04 AM.
Make sure to include the following but the rest is up to you

> Your last ban/infraction and when for what reason.
> How active are you on the forum/irc/in game or skype.
> Vouchers (people who think you're fit for the clan)
> Do you know any of the members in evil?
> Why do you want to join?

Other Stuff

Last edited by Goat; Mar 12, 2016 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Using post as part of the 1st post. Original post can be found quoted on #20.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post

Neutral, I thought we kicked you out.

On Lucent, yes, because the account got banned and i went inactive for 2 years.
On Vitta, i left by my own decision.