Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Bulous View Post


Sorry about that, you have been added now c:
Toribash was much more fun back in 2011 - 2012, all the staff were chill and everybody was friendly. I think the community has gotten somewhat shitty because of this games growth over the past year. More people = More assholes
Thats very true my friend ;o I also added some ranks, they will be changed and updated though within the next little bit. Also our clan bank is CreditCard, the current balance is 0tc but I will donate some once I finish selling my deactivated
Well, I feel more at home.
I can now say I am an Old Dirty Bastard.
Rather than people call me an Old Dirty Bastard.
That will still happen, but at least now it's true!
Chocolate I think we are old dirty canadian bastards to be exact! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make sure to take off your shoes before coming inside
Lol we're already getting a pretty good line up can wait to see what we grow into and welcome choc and uni if any of you wanna talk I'll try and be in the irc
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Yep I'm hyped, my homies are all in one clan! I will try to get a permanent irc solution up and running so that we will have an irc channel 24/7, but that will take a few days to do.
Originally Posted by Bear View Post
Chocolate I think we are old dirty canadian bastards to be exact! I hope you enjoy your stay here, make sure to take off your shoes before coming inside

Shoes are off! And great job on the forums. Looks sweet.

Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
Lol we're already getting a pretty good line up can wait to see what we grow into and welcome choc and uni if any of you wanna talk I'll try and be in the irc

Thanks PIMP <3
I agree with most of what you said we have a irc up(link is on the clan page) made it last night and I made a Skype group and added you. odb is a really old rapper I kinda liked how the initials slid off the tounge but if you or anyone else has ideas for a name pm me
Last edited by Pimp; Aug 27, 2015 at 09:22 PM.
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”