Weekend Bash
I don't think there's a problem with one special rank. When you start to get more and more it stRts to become a problem but one is fine in my opinion. I agree abou the one liners. I'm usually better than that. Old dirty bustards is fine with me. That's what the creator wanted to call it and it's his clan. The others can contribute to a lot but there's a line where it's up to the leader and this is one of those times. If you don't want to be called that, simply don't join the clan.
Originally Posted by Qubic View Post
Okay, gotta list some stuff:

IRC: IRC is actually not even registered. Not sure why it's not, but one of the leaders should get on that right away, because I love using the IRC, unless you'd like me to register it for you.

Skype?: Skype group should be made, as it's often a really nice communication form, and great for getting to know each other anyways (idk how well you guys know each other, but I barely know any of you). My skype is Elvanryb.

Rankings: I don't think any "special rankings" should be made for anyone. They always just look stupid as hell in new clans that do it. If someone actually deserves one in the future, that's okay, but no need to already start with that shit. In addition, the rank names are just dumb and immature, who made those? Just make some normal-ass ranks, no need to make a meme-esc show out of it. We're tryin to be a bit of a mature clan here...

Posts: One liners just aren't going to do. We're already starting with it and we're on the second page (there already some on the first page). If we want the clan to go anywhere, be responsible/mature/sensible and actually post some content when you post on the thread. It's really easy, seriously.

Name: Need other suggestions in my opinion. The name is really bad right now. Why would I want to be called a dirty old bastard? I'm probably one of the oldest in the clan at 19 and I wouldn't call myself old at all, especially compared to some of the community. I also don't exactly feel comfortable with calling myself a dirty bastard. I'm really not sure what that's about. When we get a new name, someone should start working on a story. Depending on the name, I may help with that.

Rules: I would take out the rule about posting once a week and just expect people to post every once in a while. There was a lot of controversy over forcing people to post and it often ends in crappy posts anyways. I would just tell people to post when they have something to say, no need for a rule on that.

Goals: I really hate goals and don't think it should be a requirement for clans, but since we have to make that... maybe somethin like this -
"10 members"
"Host our first event"
"Host 10 events"
"15 members"
"100k in clan bank"
"Get official"
Obviously you can put any others up there too, but it's a start.

Anyways, that's all I have to say. I've led a lot of rando clans in the past so I had a lot to say, sorry about that. Also hello all of you who don't know me. I'm some olderish player who plays way too much abd.

Alright well its nice to meet you qubic, I'm glad that you have lots of good ideas and suggestions. I have registered the irc, I forgot to do that last night I apologize. Ranks have been updated and I will get on to making goals very soon. I do not really care about the name so if you guys want to get it changed discuss it with pimp.

Originally Posted by MrUnicorn View Post
I don't think there's a problem with one special rank. When you start to get more and more it stRts to become a problem but one is fine in my opinion. I agree abou the one liners. I'm usually better than that. Old dirty bustards is fine with me. That's what the creator wanted to call it and it's his clan. The others can contribute to a lot but there's a line where it's up to the leader and this is one of those times. If you don't want to be called that, simply don't join the clan.

Eh I don't really care about the clan name right now, but if pimp wants it to be changed than thats his choice.
Last edited by Bear; Aug 27, 2015 at 10:31 PM.
Originally Posted by MrUnicorn View Post
I don't think there's a problem with one special rank. When you start to get more and more it stRts to become a problem but one is fine in my opinion. I agree abou the one liners. I'm usually better than that. Old dirty bustards is fine with me. That's what the creator wanted to call it and it's his clan. The others can contribute to a lot but there's a line where it's up to the leader and this is one of those times. If you don't want to be called that, simply don't join the clan.

he was right with the name tbh its kinda bad and ranks well fix those later also
i told him i wanted a more mature clan and im glad hes pointing it out anyway this clan is still a work in progress so changes will be made
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Well name has been changed from Old Dirty Bastard to Overboard! We feel like this name suits the clan better. We also have done our first war against Wapow, we beat them 10-5. Good job on everyone who participated!
We found that out also an hour or so after changing it, we are trying to decide what to change it to. We may just change the clan tag, but we are not sure yet.
I like the name Canada, it suits you perfectly =) Welp Qubic, Pimp, and I are still trying to decide what it should be. If you have any suggestions just hit one of us up and we will consider it (such as overly dank buds hehe).
Send an Invite to coyote, He wants to join!!!!! <3<3<3
Last edited by Canada; Aug 28, 2015 at 11:29 AM.
Nice name change canada and overly dank buds I'm not so sure about if anyone has good tag they think we can use or something that gose with odb they can pm me just rather not rush it now and bear sent coy that invite
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”