18<Link18> dude
20<opraaaa>30 dude
20<opraaaa>30 what are you smoking
20<opraaaa>30 Daeldir,
20<opraaaa>30 oops
20<opraaaa>30 That one
18<Link18> He looks just like him
18<Link18> :L
20<opraaaa>30 no
18<Link18> is it because im american
20<opraaaa>30 You think all Scandanavian people look alike
20<opraaaa>30 Im assuming Daeldir is scandanavian
18<Daeldir18> I'm liek Polish Irish and some other shit
18<Daeldir18> Murica
20<opraaaa>30 Yeah I see the Polish
20<opraaaa>30 And the Irish actually
20<opraaaa>30 I'm guessing more Polish though?
18<Daeldir18> Yeah
18<Link18> im french-canadian
24* Arctic has quit (Quit: left before the lights came on)
20<opraaaa>30 Do you hate anyone that is from Ontario Link
20<opraaaa>30 I get so much flak from people here in Quebec
18<Link18> ontario florida?
20<opraaaa>30 stfu
20<opraaaa>30 litte cunt
18<Link18> i dont hate a specific group of people, no
20<opraaaa>30 hehe
18<Link18> although i am sort of ignorant about the subject
20<opraaaa>30 What city are you in?
20<opraaaa>30 Québec?
18<Link18> i live in the US
20<opraaaa>30 Oh wtf
20<opraaaa>30 Did you grow up in Canada
18<Link18> French-Canadian isnt even french or canadian. Its er
18<Link18> oh wait
18<Link18> No i didnt
20<opraaaa>30 French-Canadian is Québec
18<Link18> but thats where i get my looks
18<Link18> yes yes
20<opraaaa>30 You don't have a French-Canadian look
20<opraaaa>30 It's a French look
20<opraaaa>30 People from Québec look French
20<opraaaa>30 Because they are from France originally
18<Link18> i get my looks from my french canadian origin : P
20<opraaaa>30 So French origin
20<opraaaa>30 Lemme see a pic
18<Link18> na
18<Daeldir18> Ye
20<opraaaa>30 I keep forgetting not everyone wants to show a picture of themselves online lmao
18<Daeldir18> Giv
20<opraaaa>30 I don't even post pictures of myself lol
18<Link18> im sure i posted one in my clan's board at one point
20<opraaaa>30 Then let's see
20<opraaaa>30 If it's not a privacy issue
20<opraaaa>30 What's the problerm
23* Wizard (
[email protected]23) has joined
18<Link18> so you guys can fish ;)
20<opraaaa>30 problem*
18<Daeldir18> Hue
18<Link18> the problem is the left side of my face is lower than the right side due to num shots from the dentist. Plus I dont want to
18<Daeldir18> I'm sure you're adorable.
18<Link18> na na
18<Daeldir18> Kay kay
18<Link18> I dont want to post dated pics
18<Link18> D:
20<opraaaa>30 Wait ez Daeldir gaygay?
18<Daeldir18> I can be what I wanna be
18<Link18> said who
18<Daeldir18> Are you trying to seduce me
18<Daeldir18> With gifs
18<Daeldir18> Post pics then we'll talk
18<Link18> guys we should spam tuna
18<Wizard18> fun
18<Wizard18> tuna
18<Wizard18> Aww
18<Wizard18> He's not here
18<Link18> as celibration. We own the same dedicated server now
18<Link18> skypee
20<opraaaa>30 Daeldir, one day I will
18<Daeldir18> I'll be waiting.
20<opraaaa>30 Daeldir, i
18<Daeldir18> Lol
18<DarthViddah18> lol
20<opraaaa>30 oH SHIT
20<opraaaa>30 NEW VIDEO UOT OH FHIST
18<DarthViddah18> he looks like a dark haired trey
18<DarthViddah18> trey you should sing
18<DarthViddah18> about stuff
18<DarthViddah18> that makes girls and opraaaaaaaa moist
20<opraaaa>30 trey?
18<DarthViddah18> yea trey
18<Daeldir18> I am Trey
20<opraaaa>30 Ohhhhhhhhh
20<opraaaa>30 Wow that's weird since his name is Troy
18<DarthViddah18> omg
18<Daeldir18> I have a brother named Troy.
18<Daeldir18> He's not as pretty.
18<DarthViddah18> goddamnit
20<opraaaa>30 You got me excited thinking you were his brother lmao
18<DarthViddah18> stop messing with my mind
18<Daeldir18> Loool
20<opraaaa>30 Troy Sivan has polish origins too
20<opraaaa>30 What can I say
20<opraaaa>30 I got a Scandanavian sweet spot ;o
20<opraaaa>30 I guess Poland isn't a Scandanavian country
20<opraaaa>30 But
18<DarthViddah18> I got a sweet spot too
18<DarthViddah18> for
20<opraaaa>30 Sparky
18<Daeldir18> Me right?
18<DarthViddah18> dats asssss
20<opraaaa>30 this my fav video
20<opraaaa>30 Becuz
20<opraaaa>30 dey kiss
20<opraaaa>30 and it so cute

im getting feels
18<DarthViddah18> ah its over
18<DarthViddah18> wait
20<opraaaa>30 lol
18<DarthViddah18> the part without the synth was so emotional
18<DarthViddah18> the beat fucked it up
18<DarthViddah18> dislike
18<Link18> how come every time i ask for a nudge, i get it?
20<opraaaa>30 Try this one
18<Link18> it bothers me
20<opraaaa>30 His voice is like butter
20<opraaaa>30 Like jesus christ
18<Link18> i am greatful, domt get me wrong
18<Link18> so greatful
18<DarthViddah18> you look like a person that doesnt lie
24* opraaa has quit (Ping timeout)
20* You are now known as 18opraaa
-18NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
-18NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
-18NickServ- please choose a different nick.
-18NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.
18<Link18> hey viddah, do you have that old pic of me?
18<DarthViddah18> viddah is asleep
24* 28DarthViddah is now known as 18TimmyboyG
20<opraaa>30 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
20<opraaa>30 I KNEW IT
18<Link18> had me fooled
20<opraaa>30 I also know Viddah didn't know Daeldir's real name
18<TimmyboyG18> mfw im sappy
18<TimmyboyG18> :c
20<opraaa>30 Daeldir,
20<opraaa>30 lmao
18<TimmyboyG18> first time I saw daeldir I drowned in his eyess
18<TimmyboyG18> now im dead
18<TimmyboyG18> rip
20<opraaa>30 That's how he became GM
20<opraaa>30 He skyped Erth
18<TimmyboyG18> loool
18<TimmyboyG18> daeldir that app
18<Daeldir18> I've never talked to erth before.
20<opraaa>30 Daeldir literally medusa?
18<Daeldir18> Just IRC
18<Daeldir18> Don't think I could flirt my way to GM
18<TimmyboyG18> I talked to daeldir on skype
18<TimmyboyG18> they roasted me for my bad english :c
18<Daeldir18> That's not true
20<opraaa>30 Erth is funny to talk to
18<Daeldir18> I liked the way your accent sounded
20<opraaa>30 He also does a great baby impression
18<Daeldir18> When you said your first words to me
18<Daeldir18> "What do you want I'm fapping"
18<TimmyboyG18> because I was :/
18<Daeldir18> Lol
20<opraaa>30 At least he is honest
18<Daeldir18> #Extremely
20<opraaa>30 I mean if you gotta wank
20<opraaa>30 You gotta wank ya know
18<TimmyboyG18> there has been times where I just finished and started hosting without my pants on
20<opraaa>30 Daeldir, TimmyboyG, were you guys in here when Moataz said he never fapped before
20<opraaa>30 But he would like to try it some time
18<TimmyboyG18> yes
20<opraaa>30 loooooool
18<TimmyboyG18> it started with me making a joke about icky craving sausages at 3 am
18<Daeldir18> Ye
18<Icky18> heh
18<Link18> motaz did what
18<Link18> >.> why is he on the Internet
20<opraaa>30 I don't even know
20<opraaa>30 Some people seem to love him for some odd reason
18<Link18> they respect his fapginity
20<opraaa>30 I feel like I have to constantly censor myself
18<Daeldir18> Virgin4lyfe
20<opraaa>30 Are gay men technically forever virgin?
18<TimmyboyG18> no
20<opraaa>30 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
20<opraaa>30 That didn't work
20<opraaa>30 ¯\_('_')_/¯
18<Daeldir18> I'm a virgin of choice.
18<Daeldir18> Woo
18<Link18> '\_<o-o>_/'
20<opraaa>30 Daeldir, orly
20<opraaa>30 me2
20<opraaa>30 although not of choice
20<opraaa>30 of there being no fucking gay guys in my fucking city
20* opraaa 30flips his desk
18<Daeldir18> I go for both.
20<opraaa>30 I kissed a girl once
20<opraaa>30 It felt like
20<opraaa>30 An octopus
20<opraaa>30 Was like
20<opraaa>30 Trying to eat my lips
18<Daeldir18> Then you went gay
20<opraaa>30 Then she brought her leg over my lap
20<opraaa>30 Daeldir, lol
18<Link18> lol
20<opraaa>30 And I said
18<Daeldir18> For fear of Cthuhlu
20<opraaa>30 "Can you not?"
20<opraaa>30 And I got up and left
20<opraaa>30 Bitch mind my space ffs
18<Link18> lmao
19<Link> opraaa went gay hahahaha
18<Daeldir18> Last girl I was with got zip tied to my bed.
18<Daeldir18> But I was just being a tease.
18<Fear18> this highlight
18<Daeldir18> So lol'd
20<opraaa>30 You ziptied your left hand to your bed Daeldir?
18<Daeldir18> Nah
18<TimmyboyG18> loooool
20<opraaa>30 ayyyyyyy
18<Daeldir18> Idk if I have a picture of her
18<Daeldir18> Let me look
20<opraaa>30 Clean it first
18<Daeldir18> ._.
18<TimmyboyG18> I once ziptied myself
18<TimmyboyG18> and couldnt get out
20<opraaa>30 lol
18<Link18> why use zip ties?
18<Link18> instead of like ropes
20<opraaa>30 I got my head stuck in a chair
18<TimmyboyG18> hahahahah
20<opraaa>30 Like you know those grey chairs that are plastic?
20<opraaa>30 And have the holes in the back
18<Daeldir18> Zip ties hurt
18<TimmyboyG18> why
18<Daeldir18> Leave cuts
18<Link18> I got my head stuck in the railing
18<Daeldir18> Bruises
20<opraaa>30 I dont know how I got it in there
18<Daeldir18> Nice things
18<Link18> exactly
20<opraaa>30 But I was waddling around with a chair on my head
20<opraaa>30 And it was humiliating
18<TimmyboyG18> about humaliating things
20<opraaa>30 humiliating TimmyboyG you illiterate fuck
18<TimmyboyG18> I once had some banter wi