<&Sparky_Phone> Man
<&Sparky_Phone> I don't know if I'm supposed to be Santa or not
<%SrCheetah> Acry: I'm going for a 10 min. Earthbound speedrun :>
<&Sparky_Phone> I'm starting to feel t
<%SrCheetah> Sparky go home you're drunk
<Acry> Icky|Afk the only thing that annoys me is the $80 price tag
<&Sparky_Phone> I'm obviously not smashed
<&Sparky_Phone> But I can obviously feel it
<Acry> 10 min Earthbound speedrun?
<%SrCheetah> Yes acry
<Icky|afk> Acry it's been out of production for like
<&Sparky_Phone> It's in my systuuuuuuuuuuum
<Icky|afk> 10 years now
<%SrCheetah> Have you played the game ?
<Icky|afk> he has not
<%SrCheetah> Earthbound
<&Sparky_Phone> Icky
<Acry> i havent been able to get my hands on it
<&Sparky_Phone> Did anyone get that game?
<Acry> i did
<Acry> he told me about it yesterday
<&Sparky_Phone> what was it
<Acry> Dark Cloud
<%SrCheetah> Well, as soon as you reach the first city, you can buy an item to move faster
<&Sparky_Phone> The fuck?
<%SrCheetah> Then you can go though a wall and go to the credits
<Acry> im watching the speedrun rn SrCheetah
<&Sparky_Phone> What type of game is dark cloud
<Acry> RPG
<%SrCheetah> One in 11 minutes ?
<&Sparky_Phone> -Google dark cloud
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Cloud - Combat in Dark Cloud. Toan fights a Blue Dragon in the Sun & Moon Temple. Toan's health, weapon strength and water meter are on the top left of the HUD.
<&Sparky_Phone> Ok then
<Acry> yeah
<Acry> 11:57
<&Sparky_Phone> So fcking many kids here
<%SrCheetah> The glitch is technically possible without the item
<&Sparky_Phone> I hope I don't have to be Sama
<&Sparky_Phone> Santa *
<%SrCheetah> So it could be done REAL quick
<Acry> i would get earthbound
<Acry> if i didnt have to look so hard to get the cart
<Acry> id have it
Quit: Ele [Ping timeout]
<%SrCheetah> Acry: I use an emulator
<Acry> i walked past a 007 cart a few months ago
<%SrCheetah> On my phone
<Acry> i dislie emulation
<&Sparky_Phone> There's like
<&Sparky_Phone> 26 that I counted
<&Sparky_Phone> Not including inside
<Acry> lol
<&Sparky_Phone> And fuck me
<&Sparky_Phone> There's some girl
<Acry> who touched your peepee?
<&Sparky_Phone> In like this Christmas dress
<&Sparky_Phone> But she's like
<%SrCheetah> Tell her to inhale your dong
<&Sparky_Phone> Fucking 14 >_>
<Acry> oh
<Acry> oh
<Acry> you could have said that first
<&Sparky_Phone> the jailbait is real as fuck
<%SrCheetah> Oh, don't tell her to inhale your dong
<Acry> Sparky this is how it works
<&Sparky_Phone> It's like a short dress
<Acry> Age -> then tell us
<&Sparky_Phone> I don't like this
<&Sparky_Phone> Not one bit
<&Sparky_Phone> Got tits
<&Sparky_Phone> Blonde hair
<&Sparky_Phone> Moderately tall
<%SrCheetah> Don't
<&Sparky_Phone> But definitely underage