Yes well not to start up an it all started when I took it upon my self to ally veal and gun did not like this I argued this point because he was mad because he got into an argument with the clan that he couldn't even remember he told me I gave no voice to anyone but I'm new to this so I did not know. If you guys really feel like I give no voice to you pm me but how it really went into flames is I wanted to ally [WAPOW] and I pm'd seth93 to see if he could get us allied now I took into consideration what gun said so I was gonna make sure that wapow and us could be allied then I was gona let them know that before we make it an official ally I would make a poll now I did not want to make a pointless poll if Wapow never responded because then it wouldn't even matter cuz it wouldn't be official anyways so if seth were to say no then I would have set up a pointless poll. Gun continued to argue and just kept disagreeing so he left then asking for all his tc back that he donated so I gave him all of the rest of my tc that's what happened. Hoped this cleared up things don't know why gun had to come here and start saying I'm a bad leader basically but its kk now all of this is cleared up no more drama PLZZZZ.
It was a little misunderstanding and complication it happens sadly

Hello fellow members of Eons we are setting up a poll me and Seth93 just talked it over Wapow is about to be a possible ally of Eons do u guys want that let me knowbecause if no one says anything against it we could ally with wapow.
Let me know your thoughts
Last edited by ICEEMAN1; Jun 30, 2016 at 04:11 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump