Somehow I completely forgot Dezrai even though his name is certainly in this thread, silly me. I'll add that later

And fair concern but you are at the very bottom of B tier bordering into C tier and Swexx is at the very top and I'm still undecided on whether or not I want to put him in A, so I think the distance between you both is sufficient but I could be wrong. I could maybe swap the placement around of Swexx and MrJingles, I think that MrJingles might actually be a stronger pick for top of B

Dexter's one of my personal favourites but he ranks F tier for legacy as well as having generally low scores which ends up pushing him pretty far down, but I might revise that placement
As for where I would probably put dezrai, maybe middle-upper A tier. He's honestly one of the more popular ukebashers I feel
Last edited by tabby; Oct 25, 2024 at 11:11 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
would put dexter B minimum considering how absolutely insane he was back in the day, F for legacy is a little harsh

would put myself in C tier if im being honest

would throw numbers in like mid B tier maybe even high B i never really thought he was that great mechanically

as much as it absolutely PAINS me to say i dont see static in A tier, even with the legacy he's left behind, perhaps my bias towards general skill over popularity is mind fucking me

would throw deejay somewhere in there unless he has some other name I don’t know about
Last edited by piss; Oct 25, 2024 at 11:23 PM.
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
i don't want to be in ur stupid fucking vibes-based powerscaling list even if it were sss-tier, thanks

the thread is about praising and uplifting ur favorite ukebashers, this is just unwanted criticism no one asked for (especially the people in the lowest tiers, shit like this is so disheartening and mean over something that's supposed to be a fun pastime. like who the fuck do u think u are?)

yet another way to guarantee this game and its replay scene never make a comeback. glad u think ur the best ever though!
mad cuz bad ?
though tbf u couldve just only done s tier no need to rank the rest :P
Last edited by EPOCH; Oct 26, 2024 at 12:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time
Originally Posted by cats View Post
i don't want to be in ur stupid fucking vibes-based powerscaling list even if it were sss-tier, thanks

the thread is about praising and uplifting ur favorite ukebashers, this is just unwanted criticism no one asked for (especially the people in the lowest tiers, shit like this is so disheartening and mean over something that's supposed to be a fun pastime. like who the fuck do u think u are?)

yet another way to guarantee this game and its replay scene never make a comeback. glad u think ur the best ever though!

Okay, great take. You are completely right and I agree. Sorry gang. If this is the only aspect of my reply you care about you may ignore the rest

I thought about making it a separate thread, but I did not consider how it would read when placed in this one. Rajen came to me asking to write a tier list with him, but I elected to just write one on my own because I thought it would be fun, and potentially a cool read, and I like talking about ukebash replays. I see now that in me gushing about the pros and cons of all my favourite ukebashers I blatantly just look like an elitist prick. It is disheartening, you are right. This type of content is better suited elsewhere and, frankly, I want to revise it some to do some of the lower placements way more justice

I did not mean any harm by it, but I can see how this type of reply to what is in essence a wholesome thread is pretty harmful. I appreciate you voicing this. I wanted to offer some substance in my reply, but clearly I've missed the mark completely

I think instead of a trying-to-be-objective-but-definitely-subjective tier list perhaps I will instead just edit the post to extensively talk about all of the players I have liked throughout my own ukebash journey and how they have shaped my understanding of the game in subtle ways. I don't feel like writing that this very second though, because I spent a long time writing that other nonsense, so instead I am going to just can the tier list to a notepad file and replace the post with a gif until I come up with something

power scaling albums is a funny ass concept LOL
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by tabby View Post
Okay, great take. You are completely right and I agree. Sorry gang. If this is the only aspect of my reply you care about you may ignore the rest

I thought about making it a separate thread, but I did not consider how it would read when placed in this one. Rajen came to me asking to write a tier list with him, but I elected to just write one on my own because I thought it would be fun, and potentially a cool read, and I like talking about ukebash replays. I see now that in me gushing about the pros and cons of all my favourite ukebashers I blatantly just look like an elitist prick. It is disheartening, you are right. This type of content is better suited elsewhere and, frankly, I want to revise it some to do some of the lower placements way more justice

I did not mean any harm by it, but I can see how this type of reply to what is in essence a wholesome thread is pretty harmful. I appreciate you voicing this. I wanted to offer some substance in my reply, but clearly I've missed the mark completely

likewise, great response. not what i expected, makes me respect u a lot more after the impression that tier list post initially gave me

i think u understood my point perfectly (despite the delivery) and i appreciate that a lot

I think instead of a trying-to-be-objective-but-definitely-subjective tier list perhaps I will instead just edit the post to extensively talk about all of the players I have liked throughout my own ukebash journey and how they have shaped my understanding of the game in subtle ways. I don't feel like writing that this very second though, because I spent a long time writing that other nonsense, so instead I am going to just can the tier list to a notepad file and replace the post with a gif until I come up with something

this is perfectly valid and constructive to do, and the right approach to something like this imo, so long as no one is being needlessly disparaged

apologies for the strong language i used, i found the tone and purpose of the post to be disagreeable, even if it wasn't ur intent. but i'm glad we're on the same page and i don't think ur a mean-spirited person anymore!!!
S tier ; basic lol stupid
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal