Weekend Bash
Original Post
[Vibe] Application Thread

Joining Vibe:
If you're wanting to join Vibe, here's the place to make it happen!

It's strongly suggested that you hangout with us in [Vibe] Discord before applying

[Vibe] is keen to take on new recruits so step up to the stage

Application Outline:

About Me:
We like to know who we recruit, so tell us about yourself! bonus points if you skate

Toribash History:
Tell us anything that you feel is relevant information, this may include topics such as: alts, past clans, favourite mods, or any other topics relevant to Toribash.

Why Vibe:

We want to know what made you choose to apply to Vibe and make it clear why we should choose to accept you.


**We do not talk about applications in the thread, all applications are moved to their own thread in the private board. If your application has vanished pm Parrot or Sparky within a few days.**

Although we do like to have fun, Vibe is taking a new approach to eSports, so expect big changes!


Last edited by Sparky; Apr 6, 2023 at 08:27 AM. Reason: VIBE

i miss you ocean
Applying on behalf of Admino, Toribash's next superstar.
Hi, my name is Admino. I'm a young gun from the mean streets of urban American and boy, do I love to skate!!!

I may be a white belt, but my alt is green belt. Whenever I enter a server, everyone immediately lights up because I'm a good guy and I respect women. As a white belt, I may not be the best in game right now, but I believe in 6 short months I could easily become the greatest player ever.

I speak 5 different languages and I know how to walk on tightropes. My mother was a circus performer, so I spent my youth travelling with the circus, watching and learning. On my 13th birthday, my mentor Jaques Geraldo (The Great) attempted a dangerous trick involving an elephant and stilts. It went fatally wrong and my mentor died of excessive bruising. Since that day I have devoted myself to becoming the greatest performer ever, The GREAT ADMINOOO.

I want to join Sk8r because, naturally, as a circus performer, I am of course a talented sk8r. I want to spend my time with like-minded people. I'm also not that tall, and I heard BillyTheSk8rBoi wasn't that tall either, so I feel I would fit in perfectly.

Please consider this application.

Kind regards,


Well whaddayas think? I think you should take him.
Last edited by Ele; Sep 28, 2017 at 02:15 PM.
what the fuck? what was wrong with my app thread? THIS IS FASCISM
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu