Weekend Bash
G'day fellas, today I come forth with an application to join the C R E W, find below the details on; why I've made this decision and the asked requirements.
I'm a seasoned player form 2012 on an old and gladly lost main, Godvonn32, I am currently a 6th Dan Black Belt, not that I think it really matters for belt but I specialise in AkidoBigDojo, Lenshu, Taekyyon and Ninjutsu as they're the main mods that I bounce around with from time to time. I'm 17 years young and am currently out of school but doing a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance, although I do that 4 times a week for 8 hours a day I am fairly active on the forums whenever I seem to be on my phone, although rarely posting as I hardly find conversations to put include my input but I do where I can.

I'm very social, when it comes to having a yarn or wanting to have a bit of a laugh I can't help but to crack a joke too, I skateboard in my free time as well although I have a girlfriend whom is the most needy barbie doll you'll ever hear about, can hardly leave the bloody house
The reason that I am coming to you today with this application is for my own benefit and quite possibly you all, I want to be able to make a immensely positive impact/mark not only on forums, in-game, discord nor facetime, I want to be able to influence others into wanting to achieve better and strive to be their greatest, to be able to act as a role model to others when in doubt, when bullied or simply having a bad day, this may seem as though a preach on an app but I don't want to change people's lives being a GM or a HS (as much as they do help x)

I have been apart of; (Vibe) (Decap) and around 3 others, just don't clearly remember as I've only returned now after a long break, left Vibe because I was going to be inactive for too long, made the clan look bad, as for Decap, well I love Shogun to bits but I've gotten back into everything and think it's best to input what I have into a clan that might need it,
Bought a bit of Qi when I got this account as I had to restart and couldn't be bothered being put down by other up-themselves-players, also had to get back into them black belt servers lmao

Infraction for shit posting, infraction for excessive posting in sequence a long while ago.
I live in Australia, my GMT is +10 although at night time over here I am usually on quite a lot, will usually be until early morning and mostly throughout the days as well if I have spare time.
I play in game a bit, quite frequently now actually so you'll see me in there.
No one invited me, just purely interested in joining the accomplishments and team that Billy had wet dreams ovee back in '07

Cheers heaps for reading over my application and considering what I have to offer, I hope to see you all in-game as well as chatting to yas
Liquor's resident dipshit
Szazuniya: WHAT
Discord #Rated3392
Accepted, welcome to Catalyst

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
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[Mexican] Player |Fan Club
You're all other too kind or feeling bad for me but either way, publicity 😉
Liquor's resident dipshit
Szazuniya: WHAT
Discord #Rated3392
Originally Posted by Litre View Post
You're all other too kind or feeling bad for me but either way, publicity 😉

You have potential. Run before sparky gets his hands on you.
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by Neko View Post
You have potential. Run before sparky gets his hands on you.

Nice app, welcome to [MAD]

Professional Graphic Designer
Former [Crooks]
Leader | [TA] Member | Ex-[Latin] member
[Mexican] Player |Fan Club