[Evil] Hall of Fame
Ishi: Not only is he a famous toribash administrator, but he was the founder of [Evil]. He is evil.
bRuCiA Was originally a part of Evil, but left and started Jolly Rogers.
Faint former leader and old administrator.
metalmario Old perpetually active former member, kept Evil alive in-game almost single-handedly
Hyde One of the longest members still in the clan. He also never leaves the IRC. Leader of evil around 2011(?)
Taek He was the leader of Evil after Nukem and he's a toribash legend.
Tinerr Former Evil member, later formed [Latin]. Later became an Administrator.
Imubai creator of the famous evil wibbles thread. Leader after tertywerty. (?)
Apex Leader of Evil from 2013-2017. Spinbag master!
Goat Leader of Evil From 2015-2019. Contributed in a lot of Evil's policies. Went on to join MAD. lol
Crooked Old co-leader of Evil.
Spartan094 He was a leader along side apex and crooked. Also a major drunk.
Nukem Leader of evil after Ishi.
Ryder24 One of the present day leaders of evil. Clan Anchor. Might still catch him in-game to this day.
Hades We can't forget about the butt of clan.
Polybius One of the present day leaders of Evil and an event artist.
Oaky The evil Führer of Evil and leader after Goat. Longest continous Evil member.
Tertywerty Leader after Taek. 100% Bro. Now leader again after all these years!
madgecko11 Leader of Evil in 2008!
Pookie Leader of evil after Madgecko11.
If you feel someone should be added, PM Goat! (or any current/active lmod)
Last edited by Goat; Aug 4, 2024 at 07:10 PM.
Reason: Updated again