Weekend Bash
- Name you would like to be called by

- Discord
venting palace#2355

- Timezone

- Skills/Learning
boob jiggle physics

- Reason for wanting to join
conquer the world

Some stuff about yourself (Optional)
i'm actually a soundcloud rapper
big brother is always playing
yo im Lyiar uhhhh i go by lyiar im a stupid guy and have a lot to learn im okay at tb my discord is Lyiar#5187 Timezone is EST anddddd i wanna join cause im not a normie. im pretty good at ABD and decent at boxshu so thats why you should accept me.
Originally Posted by Lyiar View Post
yo im Lyiar uhhhh i go by lyiar im a stupid guy and have a lot to learn im okay at tb my discord is Lyiar#5187 Timezone is EST anddddd i wanna join cause im not a normie. im pretty good at ABD and decent at boxshu so thats why you should accept me.

You're app seems good to me, you're a pass but cutter noticed you first so he will be the one judging your app
[ L A M E _ D U D E ]
Yo my names Alex and i'd like to be called dank. Im great at ABD and love warring. Im 14 funny not toxic 90% of the time. i wanna join because the clan members seem chill, skilled, and active. my discord is thesweatytit#6763.
Originally Posted by dankmeme66 View Post
Yo my names Alex and i'd like to be called dank. Im great at ABD and love warring. Im 14 funny not toxic 90% of the time. i wanna join because the clan members seem chill, skilled, and active. my discord is thesweatytit#6763.

HEY your application is worthy
just so you know the most important thing is not to be toxic

(you will join as a trial and your actions will be observed)

My Name is Xenial and I would like to because i play this game atleat an hour a day because its really cool.
I would like to join a clan so i can learn more and get better.
Discord - XenialStrat#2416
Originally Posted by holyghody View Post
My Name is Xenial and I would like to because i play this game atleat an hour a day because its really cool.
I would like to join a clan so i can learn more and get better.
Discord - XenialStrat#2416

Hey my friend Holy ill send the invite in the mean time
you will have the brackets { } not []
indicating that you are a trial
we will observe ur actions and once again no toxicity just chill



- Name you would like to be called by - Ben

- Discord - NootyMcSkooty#4262

- Skills/Learning - Art, ABD, Used to XSpar, unofficially strongest under 18 in the west midlands

- Reason for wanting to join - Vibin, I really want to war again because I enjoyed wars lots.

- Some stuff about yourself (Optional) - I'm 17 nearly 18, played toribash for a while, quit quite a few times and want back in because I finished my TV shows, quit my old games
and am desperate to play this game again.
I'm big