yo im Lyiar uhhhh i go by lyiar im a stupid guy and have a lot to learn im okay at tb my discord is Lyiar#5187 Timezone is EST anddddd i wanna join cause im not a normie. im pretty good at ABD and decent at boxshu so thats why you should accept me.
Yo my names Alex and i'd like to be called dank. Im great at ABD and love warring. Im 14 funny not toxic 90% of the time. i wanna join because the clan members seem chill, skilled, and active. my discord is thesweatytit#6763.
My Name is Xenial and I would like to because i play this game atleat an hour a day because its really cool.
I would like to join a clan so i can learn more and get better.
Discord - XenialStrat#2416