★Vector Comics

meme gang
... And Karbn
and frosty

Anyways, in a participation of me, Halue, Karbn and Frosty, we are starting a thread restricted for
meme'ic comics or drawing in general, but vector related. It is just another idea to kill time with silly things that may get you in a bad day and possibly make your laugh, also a great idea to "materialize" our many internal memes in something more solid (I'm already planning a lot of Pat with his mod skills).
I also have other plans to this board. First of all: our main artists/meme-makers (Fr0sty and Halue) will have to keep this thread alive, and I'll be the one this board activity, and also posting whenever is possible, so I'm counting on them.
Obviously, we are not the only members that can post comics and art in here, anyone is welcome to contribute (even outsiders), as long as it is with vector related content.
Each member can (and probably will) have a personal
cartoonized characted, based on your own liking, personality or any characteristic that may fits to you.
Now you can be probably wondering why I did all this shit to announce a silly time killer.
The answer is obvious, isn't it?
So Pat will feel mercy and won't prevent this thread from running because he loves me and I had all this work >:^)
outplayed bitch
Once upon a time, a harmless Karbn was eating a delicious banana and relaxing.
When a random man came out of nowhere and startled Karbn..
The man, Halu, declared war.
And after clarification, they fought.
his own character concept
karbn x lotus
if ur wondering... Lotus drives the car. Karbn is weird and drives the bus.

Last edited by Lionet; Feb 20, 2019 at 02:41 PM.