Weekend Bash
Original Post
Drunk Sparky Adventrues
I'd Bang curvby Adele cus she's bangale and really hot for a curvby chick and i dont fucking know why but i cant spell curbny probperly yeah nah yeah dunno cus i sthink i had a few too many drinks of alcohgol but we can worry about that one later. So yeah, imma post all my drunk shit in here from now on and clalin it Drunk Sparky Adventrues. We all innit for the riuiiiiide.

Cheers fellas
io i losrt jincx tourney and i did a goatse openeire
I just did sing Country Roads
I think Shiurs recoreded it
Last edited by Sparky; Jul 17, 2018 at 05:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
mp; o9m fon 6ty btw i lost my chair
i, currently sitting on the floowr and my chanir is too far away to siut om it., btw m,y opimniopnm opn gucci gang ny ;l;;l [i,m[ is a fuclk tjat queer fagg