Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Jennie View Post
Hey homie, thanks for the app. Your app is already posted and under discussion. Have some conversation with us via discord and know us well will help you joining the clan

Better you say hi to everyone instead morals only

I did it as hes the bouncer thing, to keep to the idea, he is the person i see at the entrance and i read hes name tag
Originally Posted by Dylon View Post
Hello (INSERT NAME HERE), good weather today, mind if I come in for a drink?

My name is Dylon and I was on a search to find not just the best drinks but, the best fellows to drink with. I have been wandering around the town of Toribash for about 4 years. I realized people fought a lot in this town, in strange arenas like one called PendulumJumper.tbm
I decided to join these fights and improve my brawling skills. I have found love in Aikido rule-based brawls as well as just sparring with a few lads I come across here and there.
The thing I enjoy most is sitting down and having a drink with the people of Toribash and debating on topics and discussing things that can and is most likely controversial.
I'd love to make new friends and family, overall bring joy to the people who come for drinks, show a magic trick here and there. Do that one bet for a drink that I will usually win but, buy the person who lost a drink anyway cause I do not want to make enemies.
I am wondering around the streets of toribash quite often but sometimes work calls for me to leave town so i might be away for a day here and there.

Ah would you look at that, the boss is calling. I got to go sadly, but here is my contact details and hopefully next time you will be allowing me in with no questioning.

*Slips card into hand*---*Reads card*
Phone Number ~ 083 003 Dylon#3741
GMT -1

Application accepted you will be a trial indefinitely as we get to know you better and until we know you’ll stay.
ahahah nice he left aeon without a word during cl to join you guys wth

edit: okay no he left just before cl started but still n oword smh how rude
Originally Posted by Chirs View Post
ahahah nice he left aeon without a word during cl to join you guys wth

edit: okay no he left just before cl started but still n oword smh how rude

This will be brought to attention. Thank you for the input.
We Meet Again !

About Me :

Since in my previous application i have given a detailed overview of my gaming and a part of my normal life. So to cut ends short I will change this "About me" to something along the lines of 'Whats Happening to me right now.'

1. I have Just got into a Fps Clan and this means alot to me since im in love with any game that has a gun and a Esports mojo to it. The clan so far has been nice and the members do have tendencies to troll alot in vc while we play which makes me feel like the clan is a home. We are planning on going to a tournament for a pool prize of 50$ which is pretty cool. Game Critical Ops , Check it out i would highly recommend if your into FPS.

2. Im unbanned and I have to say i have been so stressed whilst being banned i hate staying on a alt restricted from an account i love. I would like to say for those who dont know why i was banned, to cut a long story short I had a friendly duel with my mate and we had a fight and i ended up scamming him since i rage quit after losing to a complete frame glitch at 2-2. after comming back i was banned and it felt like coke bottle being gangbanged by a bunch of mentos ( please try it out to see what that looks like ). I have felt so relieved of the rest and made like 600k profit whilst getting unbanned which is pretty cool however that profit was cut in half by loan paybacks.

3. I have had a fun build up session to clan league. It's said that if you think you know it all you cannot learn more, so i decided to throw my ego and yeet tf out my comfort zone and go right into learning how to play from the beginning with my super Mexican friendship group (MM). ( Jenson can approve )

Reason for wanting to join :

There is no place like home i just miss the energy from a long day of playing tb cs or lol to talk with my butt buddy frost or get a warm welcome from kaito "(. Oh the waterworks* **drinks another unpaid beer** anyway As i said i have put my original reasoning for wanting to have a seat in this Liqour shop in my first application however i will add an additional reason which is, I have recently got a new crave for Chess and Sudoku and It's driven me to become better at games through watching my opponents moves not mine. It also lets me cool down more and less hyper whilst releasing stress and anxiety. Through this I am starting to be less simple minded and thinking ABD + Dueling is the Center of* Toribash. It's the feelings, emotional moments and the Success that is at the center of every game

Thank you for your time !

^ Matty ^
Last edited by Zoom; Jul 29, 2019 at 12:06 AM.
Originally Posted by Aurarian View Post
We Meet Again !

About Me :

Since in my previous application i have given a detailed overview of my gaming and a part of my normal life. So to cut ends short I will change this "About me" to something along the lines of 'Whats Happening to me right now.'

1. I have Just got into a Fps Clan and this means alot to me since im in love with any game that has a gun and a Esports mojo to it. The clan so far has been nice and the members do have tendencies to troll alot in vc while we play which makes me feel like the clan is a home. We are planning on going to a tournament for a pool prize of 50$ which is pretty cool. Game Critical Ops , Check it out i would highly recommend if your into FPS.

2. Im unbanned and I have to say i have been so stressed whilst being banned i hate staying on a alt restricted from an account i love. I would like to say for those who dont know why i was banned, to cut a long story short I had a friendly duel with my mate and we had a fight and i ended up scamming him since i rage quit after losing to a complete frame glitch at 2-2. after comming back i was banned and it felt like coke bottle being gangbanged by a bunch of mentos ( please try it out to see what that looks like ). I have felt so relieved of the rest and made like 600k profit whilst getting unbanned which is pretty cool however that profit was cut in half by loan paybacks.

3. I have had a fun build up session to clan league. It's said that if you think you know it all you cannot learn more, so i decided to throw my ego and yeet tf out my comfort zone and go right into learning how to play from the beginning with my super Mexican friendship group (MM). ( Jenson can approve )

Reason for wanting to join :

There is no place like home i just miss the energy from a long day of playing tb cs or lol to talk with my butt buddy frost or get a warm welcome from kaito "(. Oh the waterworks* **drinks another unpaid beer** anyway As i said i have put my original reasoning for wanting to have a seat in this Liqour shop in my first application however i will add an additional reason which is, I have recently got a new crave for Chess and Sudoku and It's driven me to become better at games through watching my opponents moves not mine. It also lets me cool down more and less hyper whilst releasing stress and anxiety. Through this I am starting to be less simple minded and thinking ABD + Dueling is the Center of* Toribash. It's the feelings, emotional moments and the Success that is at the center of every game

Thank you for your time !

^ Matty ^

As further inspection and many bottle involves. We decide to give you the key to the longue. You may enter now.

"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Resume for Job Interview
Hi my names XxArchesxX (ingame) and i wanna be part of liquor because first i know a couple members im familiar witht and i recently became decent friends with a member. my discord is 89#6500. i also heard Liquor is like a family seems nice to be correlated with. Hopefully i get accepted and thank you for reading my application!!
Originally Posted by XxArchesxX View Post
Hi my names XxArchesxX (ingame) and i wanna be part of liquor because first i know a couple members im familiar witht and i recently became decent friends with a member. my discord is 89#6500. i also heard Liquor is like a family seems nice to be correlated with. Hopefully i get accepted and thank you for reading my application!!

Due to this app having no creativity nor any effort what so ever, this won’t even be posted to be voted on. Thanks for your interest in Liquor. You may join our discord and try reapplying at a later time.
Last edited by Morals; Aug 5, 2019 at 10:36 PM.
Job Interview
Hello my names Dale or Jung (Korean Name) as said i am a Korean dood from Texas LMAO im also 16 but my voice says other wise. I would love getting drunk with yall but i cant drink or my parents will beat but i have a couple times. My IGN is XxArchexX on toribash dont mind the Xx i was uh 16 15 14 13 ah 13 at the time and yk these names were cool... I heard that Liquor is an exceptional clan with friends that have bonds close to family and im very interested in creating those bonds with other ppl in the clan. i am friendly and easygoing i dont get rlly riled up unless i win a bet ;-;. I have also been recommended by people to join this clan and i enjoy them as a person and i would much rather prefer spending time in this clan then in other toxic clans
^-^. i will try to play as much as i can before school starts since im a junior now SAT and other studying is priority ish. DD hopefully you guys consider this application because i rlly rlly suck at writing applications my 2nd one so far.
im not drunk btw i wrote this completly aware
also i recently came back to toribash after a year and months so i rlly want to join a clan to feel like i belong so i can also fight wars ;-; toribash is a fun game mannn
Last edited by white; Aug 5, 2019 at 11:00 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump