Hello my names Dale or Jung (Korean Name) as said i am a Korean dood from Texas LMAO im also 16 but my voice says other wise. I would love getting drunk with yall but i cant drink or my parents will beat but i have a couple times. My IGN is XxArchexX on toribash dont mind the Xx i was uh 16 15 14 13 ah 13 at the time and yk these names were cool... I heard that Liquor is an exceptional clan with friends that have bonds close to family and im very interested in creating those bonds with other ppl in the clan. i am friendly and easygoing i dont get rlly riled up unless i win a bet ;-;. I have also been recommended by people to join this clan and i enjoy them as a person and i would much rather prefer spending time in this clan then in other toxic clans
^-^. i will try to play as much as i can before school starts since im a junior now SAT and other studying is priority ish.DD hopefully you guys consider this application because i rlly rlly suck at writing applications my 2nd one so far.
im not drunk btw i wrote this completly aware
also i recently came back to toribash after a year and months so i rlly want to join a clan to feel like i belong so i can also fight wars;-; toribash is a fun game mannn
Heyo wassup
Im Angels a.k.a Groumet
indonesian player (GMT+7) and trusted tc seller /slap.. oof why im advertising myself here
joined 7 years ago, and 5 years retired... back to tb lookin for some ol mates... well got addicted to the game again and start playing few months ago
well im not good at english so i didn't really talk much on chat. but feel free to add me on discord Elizviel #8553
i want to join liquor cuz there's lot's of ppl i know ingame and forum ;o also hai kaito and jennie
ooohhh wait one more
i want to ask something but.....
Are u Fataldonut? @donut