So I was sitting in that tent with a bunch of people. They were all on various different drugs.
To give you a quick overview: One guy was very much on MDMA, two guys and one girl were on mushrooms, one guy was on acid, I was on acid and magic mushroom.
We all smoked a bunch of weed and consumed laughing gas. Having a blast together and whatnot.
The guy who was on MDMA was really in favor of going to the dance floor. One mushroom guy was just laughing non stop about everything in existence but mostly his own hands. The mushroom couple was chillin and the acid guy was tripping about playing chess.
I personally went through some phases, particularly when I consumed the laughing gas which seemed to increase the velocity of my trip rather steeply. That was fun.
First I was totally with the guy who wanted to go to the floors, but as I noticed that my trip got more intense I thought to myself that it would probably be not wise to be in the crowd when I don't even know what level I was gonna reach.
As my journey intensified I started making funny movements in the rhythm of the music, mostly to amuse the laughing guy. Eventually I started overtone singing to the techno beats (look up overtone singing, it's sweet). That is totally my thing when I am on acid.
After perhaps 2 hours the MDMA guy finally got up and took my acid friend with him to the floors. The mushroomers went to sleep soon afterwards and I remained behind, sitting there and getting deeper and deeper into my trip.
Eventually I closed my eyes and just laid back to leave my body behind. I saw exploding stars and atomic reactions. Too bad I am no chemist and unable to dish out some awesome keywords here.

But ye, I saw stuff. It was quite spiritual and wild. Good thing I am a calm person and able to do these things without freaking out, even when I am on my own, heh.
After a time that felt infinitely long ( acid makes time feel very infinite) I came back to earth and the first thing that I noticed that I had to really PISS. You know when you sit so long and the feeling of having to pee gets stronger and stronger until you reach the point where you cannot take it anymore but you really don't feel like getting up so you wait some more? Yes, that.
So eventually I got up to take a stroll to the closest toilets. They were like 30m from the tent and I had to take only one single turn.
Of course I got lost.
Next up: My long long long long odyssey to finding my friends.
Originally Posted by
There is an app called radiant, it's good for finding your candy just fyi when you cant find anyone in person at a festival..
I went to gulfshore AL, for hangout fest. I went with 7 of my good friends. It was about a 13 hour drive half of us stopped by bourbon street in lousiana(really good time but dont carry cash) for the night. Me and my boys got way to hammered.. Bourbon street-1 Me-0
Basically did the same stuff as you when we arrived in Alabama we tripped on the beach for about 10 hours
Meth based X is one hell of a drug. I was so geeked out my mind. I think I stayed up for about 30hours. Couldn't sleep bc I was seeing shadow figures and my heart was just pumping..
Drugs are bad for you mkay
Last edited by Redundant; Jun 21, 2019 at 03:57 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump