Weekend Bash
hmmmmm.......... well....... im going to make a white lie and say they're good just to make you feel better


here are my new textures, i think they are sexy, they are bold, modern and clean. you think they's sexy? Or You think they's crap?
Last edited by Shlimmy; Dec 31, 2008 at 06:27 AM.
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
01001001001000000111011101100001011100110010000001 11000001101111011100110111010001101001011011100110 01110010000001101001011011100010000001100010011010 0101101110011000010111001001111001
Some recent heads and stuff:

^ For my productions studio's, we're gonna make it big.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
New Avvy for warbanana
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Nice avvy!
I used to do some art, and am only just getting back into it again. Nothing as good as you guys though... >.>
Here you go:

and also: http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/r...getherpng2.png
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Hmm... I forgot about this thread.

<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body