Weekend Bash
Original Post
Atmosphere + Mod Concept

Hey guys it's Matarika, I'm sharing with you a project I've been working on these past days and the things I've learned!
So I've been working with TMA on an ATMO comprised of not one, not two, but 5 Different mods! Sitting at a huge number of 565 objects!

It's meant to have a real TBM ring loaded in the center.

I'm well aware this idea could possibly be done by consolidating the objects using Blender, but the goal is to always make the process as user-friendly as possible
so others can easily try themselves! And not everyone will want to outsource this concept.

We had high hopes and In my opinion I can't really say it was a failure because we did learn a lot about some of the limits of Toribash when it comes to displaying Objects and creating atmos. First let me show you the outcome:

Cool right? Now lets talk about the things I learned:

1. Toribash can show a little more than 512 Objects on screen
in Medium to Max Quality. Anything more simply won't
show unless you find a glitch or you turn off shader mode.
(Low and Potato Quality)

2. The magic number for creating an atmo
the game won't steal objects from is around 384.

Which means it needs a little more then 128
for other object rendering.

depending on how many Objects your player has on

So unfortunately you'll have to make a game quality sacrifice to show full 385 - 512
objects but in higher quality quality you can still get 384, which is still much more then 128! I won't release the atmo
here, because it's property of the TMA ORG, and i'll let them decide on it's release plan.

But I love learning new things and pushing limits, and wanted to share this experiment
with you. Hopefully one day we'll get a feature that allows us to make atmos
in a similar way we make mods.

Thanks for reading! <3

Last edited by matarika; Jan 31, 2022 at 07:37 PM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297