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Toribash Equilibirum (TEQ) – More human-like body physics. (system + mods)
Toribash Equilibrium
Tori body physics system based on the physics of the human body.

This system consists of several parts and is mainly designed for toribash (some parts may be used in Toribash Next).
Below I will describe separately each part of the system and at the bottom of the post I'll add some sample mods.
I will be shortening the name "Toribash Equilibrium" to "TEQ" in some parts of the post.

All content is placed in spoilers for easy navigation.
Reading Length: About 8 minutes if you are not interested in browsing the links.

Enjoy the read.

...also modified Male Tori Back (Baki style)


Part I
Realistic Weight Distribution

Part II
Better proportions of length and spacing of body parts.


Part III
Revised Muscle Mechanics

High gravity and problem with abs.
If you're mma player, pls look


I'm currently testing different gravities, probably some new mods coming soon.

Feel free to test.

I am waiting for your feedback.
If you want, you can send me some replays and share your opinion on the discord, I will be grateful (Bison #1665).

Attached Files
TEQmmaWIP18.tbm (8.8 KB, 55 views)
Last edited by Bison; Aug 26, 2024 at 11:00 AM. Reason: RMM is outdated
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
but why

but why

Why did I spend all this time trying to change Tori, maybe I should have let him be himself.
Am i bad person?
Now i'm questioning my choices.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
Originally Posted by bouyard View Post
ignore these dipshits, this is sick and the effort youve put in is appreciated


anyways, i messed around with the mod a bit myself earlier, and it felt like it had a lot of potential. i used it for a self mas type of thing

the only problems (imo) are the hips feel a bit slow and weak, and the abs just feel off. i don't really know what the problem is with the abs, but they just don't feel right

the arms also look kinda funny but i think it may just be because i'm just not used to seeing the tori look like that lmao
very cool stuff so far
Very, very interesting.
I love that people do notice the horrible posterior pelvic tilt as well. My brain still finds the spinal curvature to be visibly disgusting, but I can appreciate the work put into these bodies. I may test them out for some grappling or MMA replays.
Ignore the haters and keep on doing what makes it fun with this game for you.
Click Here To Learn MMA today!
If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
woohoo! new tori bodies to play with. thanks bison! excited to see where you take these if you continue development.

did some testing and have posted a rpl of a run attempt in case you're curious. My feedback is... the legs are very strong which made running easier. I do miss the natural forwards lean that default toris have, found it a little awkward to start the run but it might just be because i haven't gotten used to these bodies yet.. Overall though i did enjoy the running experience, might copy paste these toris into some pk mods and try that out at some point. Also, I did notice the glutes tended to smush together quite a bit in wider stances.

i really like the way these tori's look. very different to the default toris.
Attached Files
teq run attempt.rpl (129.1 KB, 9 views)
Mosquitoes keep biting me and I'm very itchy
Originally Posted by Charles View Post
but why

Originally Posted by Xioi View Post
but why

Originally Posted by Umbrella View Post
but why

Originally Posted by KannaSip View Post
but why

for science
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.

Originally Posted by Yahummy View Post

anyways, i messed around with the mod a bit myself earlier, and it felt like it had a lot of potential. i used it for a self mas type of thing

the only problems (imo) are the hips feel a bit slow and weak, and the abs just feel off. i don't really know what the problem is with the abs, but they just don't feel right

the arms also look kinda funny but i think it may just be because i'm just not used to seeing the tori look like that lmao
very cool stuff so far

I also noticed problems with stomach, I'll fix it a bit in the new versions.

Version adapted for TMA scene coming soon.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
despite my distaste for mma related projects, I can recognize the effort; I wish you good luck
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal