RMM changes the strength parameter in Tori's muscles, and slightly modifies range of motion and max velocity.
When determining the strength parameters, I referenced data from muscle strength tests carried out with isokinetic dynamometers.
Strength parameters have been changed for each joint.
I lacked references to estimate neck and lateral abdominal muscles (Tori lumbar) strength so I set them by intuition.
Trapezius is a strong muscle so I set a high strength parameter for neck but within reason, if your Tori is a metal fan then you can set a higher value.
At standard velocity, Tori was moving a little too fast.
I lowered max velocity by 15% for almost every part of the body, except for the ankles,abs and lumbar.
Knee block
I changed the front knee range of motion from 0.00 to 0.01 (slight flexion) to reduce the occurrence of "Duck leg" syndrome.
I thought about setting a higher parameter but above 0.10 Tori was starting to look like an injured athlete with damaged knee extensor tendons.
Impact on gameplay
RMM places a strong emphasis on the role of the trunk and legs in moving and attacking.
Attacking an enemy with just your arms deals less damage than normal because Tori's arm joints have reduced strength.
To deal a powerful blow, you must use entire body.
Oops XD, I relaxed my hand unnecessarily.
At this point I also realized that
frac is set on 100, so I increased it to 175.
DM is set on 300.
The legs are now stronger and allow you to launch powerful kicks, they also play a more important role when you suplex your opponent.
Loss of balance after kicks should be easier to control from now on thanks to RWD.
It's still a good thing to counterbalance powerful kicks with movement of upper body.
Aikido, Judo etc.
The balanced strength of the elbows and wrists makes suplexing an opponent using straight arms more difficult and generally the opponent has to "help" you out a bit by making careless movements.
Natural ways of throwing have more potential, for example throws over the shoulder, hip, back, and throws that start with a grab around belt.
[no gif yet]
Parkour, Freerun, Tricking etc.
So far I haven't tested the TEQ too much in this regard.
I just did a couple of flips (gifs below)
I hope there will be someone willing to test running in TEQ.tbm
So far I've tried walking instead of running and had a lot of fun with it

(Settings: 5 frames per turn).
Walks confidently, upright, I don't know man, it looks like Hooman to me.

Okay, that's it, maybe I'll add some more gifs later.
I'll end by referring to the words of Matarika in one of his videos.
He spoke in the context of some high gravity mods saying: "Sometimes the best reference for how we should move our Tori can be our own body."
Hopefully TEQ will be useful for people who use this approach and it will increase the overall realism of the gameplay.
Thanks for reading and my apologies for any possible errors in the text.