Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by piss View Post
despite my distaste for mma related projects, I can recognize the effort; I wish you good luck

many thanks for unnecessarily announcing your distate for mma related projects, i'm sure it will be thoroughly taken into account.

good work bison excited to test the bodies <3
Yeah idk what i'm still doing on tb
Originally Posted by Chev View Post
many thanks for unnecessarily announcing your distate for mma related projects, i'm sure it will be thoroughly taken into account.

good work bison excited to test the bodies <3

I appreciate the passive aggressive response however I don’t recall you being the person I was speaking to
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by Kane View Post
Amazing work Bison.

Could you make a lenshu mod with your toris pls?

I can try later.
I'm improving this one for now.

Originally Posted by piss View Post
despite my distaste for mma related projects, I can recognize the effort; I wish you good luck

Well, i guess, thanks for support

I would like to use it for other things as well, not just for MMA.
I want to use it in my future mods.
Some of them will be more focused on the competitive scene.
Last edited by Bison; Apr 4, 2022 at 06:23 PM.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
this is crazy, the amount of effort put into this is commendable, so here I am with my unwanted opinions:

at first I wasnt too sure about how the torso and arms looked, but after just messing around in this replay Ive started to like it more, the way the pecs, chest and stomach body parts work together to make the torso look realistic and sorta curved is *chefs kiss*

Originally Posted by Yahummy View Post
the arms also look kinda funny but i think it may just be because i'm just not used to seeing the tori look like that lmao

besides the wingspan being a bit too long ^^ I think this is what most people notice at a first glance, the arms and general upper body look kinda off, but I think the problem isnt coming from the upper body at all, but more of the lower body, the legs look disproportionate to the rest of the body, being slim and lanky, and comparing the size of shoulder joint to the hip joint and even the bicep to the thighs can kinda back what Im saying, the tori looks like it's never hit leg day. feet are also teeny tiny

besides all of this I seriously look forward to watching this mod grow even more, amazing job man
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Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Originally Posted by Haluejah View Post
besides the wingspan being a bit too long ^^ I think this is what most people notice at a first glance, the arms and general upper body look kinda off, but I think the problem isnt coming from the upper body at all, but more of the lower body, the legs look disproportionate to the rest of the body, being slim and lanky, and comparing the size of shoulder joint to the hip joint and even the bicep to the thighs can kinda back what Im saying, the tori looks like it's never hit leg day. feet are also teeny tiny

besides all of this I seriously look forward to watching this mod grow even more, amazing job man

Yes, I made the legs a little too thin.
I'll change this in future versions.
In the mma version, the arms are already a bit thinner.

Nice replay
Last edited by Bison; Apr 5, 2022 at 02:58 AM.
hurh hurh hurh *chews grass*
I can’t even imagine the amount of time you put into this. I really mess with the creativity and realistic view of Tori’s

I’ll check this one out when I get back
~#1 Shittiest Shitposter of TP 2016~
Ex Co-Leader of Origin
Originally Posted by Glimpsed View Post
great job, gonna have a play with this

well, I had a play with it and i'd like to say that this is the only tori that i would confidently fight irl