Get low! Hit the flo'! Not too low, though; there's a DQ timer on this thing.
Introducing: lowkido! A battle of low stances in a simple aikido dojo
Inspired by multiple official mods, lowkido is a fine blend of standard aikido, erthtk, lenshu, and more!
What's so special about it, though?
lowkido has some notable differences from regular aikido, originally based off spiritwrestling.tbm and reformed into a new vanilla-like mod!
MATCHFRAMES : This mod is only 275 frames in 11 turns, shorter than aikido's 350 frames. You'll have to act a bit quicker and make moves sooner if you want to succeed! DOJOSIZE : The dojo remains identical to that of aikido, so players new to this mod but experienced in aikido's don't have to change their style too much. ENGAGEDISTANCE : Unlike aikido's standard 90, lowkido uses 140 to diminish lifting without totally eliminating it. The further spread encourages a more active playstyle to use your body to manipulate opponents out the ring. GRAVITY : lowkido's gravity is set to -45.00 as an additional factor to negating the strength of lifting and focusing on the lower, grounded style of fighting. DISQUALIFICATION : DQ is enabled in this mod, but takes after lenshu's use of the timer instead of instant disqualification. The time to DQ in the ring is 50 frames, allowing leniency in attack strategies and tight situations. FRACTURE : Fractures are enabled (threshhold set to 200) in this mod to inspire more strong attacks and disable opponents. This is the same threshhold used in standard aikido. Though they may seem lame to play with, you'll have to use it to your advantage and toss out your weakened enemies before they get you!
What makes this any different from other mods?
lowkido aims to provide a new level of strategy into combat by allowing players to show off their moves in new ways! The floor is a friend in this mod (to a limit), so make good use of it! Many players will likely prefer the other staple mods like ABD and erthtk, but you can always give it a shot and see what you think! Adapt to simple lifting openers, improvise your own combat strategy, and overcome your opponents to make them taste the ground!
Sound any fun? Try it out with the download below! Along with it are some replays demonstrating the lowkido experience.
Last edited by avenue; Apr 12, 2022 at 07:20 PM.
Reason: raised frac threshhold, added v4 version
funny blue smiling person please to be enjoying lowkido
By popular request, a new graphic form of lowkido is now available!
That's right, it's lowkido_brutal! Well that can't be good
The gamerules remain identical to regular lowkido: 275 frames in 11 turns, 50-frame dq timer, further engage distance... except for one thing.
DMs are now enabled!
Try out the next edition of lowkido below! If you prefer the old version more, you can use the original post in this thread! The mod has undergone quite a few changes lately, but should now be settled on the currently written gamerules. Thanks to all who have attended the playtests and gave their feedback; it wouldn't be lowkido without you!
funny blue smiling person please to be enjoying lowkido
Hey there! Is Lowkido Brutal the official release? Or is the latest version without DMs the official release? Just want to know for when I’m hosting rooms. Thanks!
Hey there! Is Lowkido Brutal the official release? Or is the latest version without DMs the official release? Just want to know for when I’m hosting rooms. Thanks!
lowkido_v4 and lowkido_brutal are both the finalized, "official" releases. it's just a difference of if you want DMs on or not!
funny blue smiling person please to be enjoying lowkido
big news! lowkido has just been given its own static Public server! if you wanna get in on the action, just /jo public13 at any time! it works the same as other public servers (15tc per win) and runs the brutal edition of the mod. thanks to Aliosa (and hanna) for making it happen!
funny blue smiling person please to be enjoying lowkido