Weekend Bash
Original Post
[m] clan events & tournaments

clan events

We'll be using this thread to discuss events, list events we've hosted or plan to host. Be keen to look out for fun stuff we may host around, even though most of the discussion is done behind the scenes.
Consider this thread an open line of communication to suggestions and inquiries, we're always open to ideas.

Mogul Mayhem
Name of Event

Our events will always be hosted by clan members & announced well ahead of time. You don't need to worry about missing out.

Last edited by list; Nov 19, 2024 at 02:43 PM.
Name of Event is up mogul members.
Special thanks to Gabriel for the amazing art as always. Greater thanks to mogul coming together collectively for the creative name.
Won't go into specifics about the sponsors but we know who we are ;) good on us for making it happen.
Name of Event