Weekend Bash
Original Post
Market Outreach
Hello community!

Consider this thread the right place to express your opinion and thoughts on the current market!
The purpose of this thread is to resolve as many things as possible that may not be pleasing the community lately due to the new market system etc. With that in mind, we staff would like to collect as many suggestions as possible to make the market a place where people enjoy being a part of.

What kind of suggestion can you make? I'll give you a list:
  • Events suggestions
  • Items that should be restocked/brought back to the shop
  • Rule changes
  • Punishment changes
  • TC sales
  • Market and Store tab on client
  • Trading in general
If there's any other topic that's not on the list and you'd like to discuss about, just go ahead and mention it.

*We are looking for areas of improvement and suggestions on how to make the community a better place, please do not use this thread to troll or make any comments not related to the original post.
Last edited by comet; Jan 27, 2023 at 12:10 AM.
i mentioned this to you in dms a while ago but i do think that tc selling rules should account for human error, after the jojo situation i think ppl should be notified by a bot when their thread expired so that kind of thing doesn't happen again as well as loosening up the rules on tc selling as a whole

Last edited by Nurse; Jan 25, 2023 at 06:14 PM.

dunno exactly what happened regarding to this item, but:
- you used to be able to buy it for 30k as long as you had the torishop link above
- one of the good stable hairs
- you stopped being able to buy it some time after the 3rd purchase happened
- its current rarity is artificially inflated due to its disappearance from torishop and accessibility only with the direct torishop link
- when I asked sir about it ingame, he said that it was removed due to unpopularity, but the fact that you couldn't access the item without the torishop link contradicts that statement, as far as I know, it wasn't ever displayed in torishop(correct me if I am wrong on that end)
Last edited by Shiro; Jan 26, 2023 at 01:50 AM. Reason: reformatting
aeiou | #bantwin | twin's musical sense is like morning diarrhea
The new market system is very cool. The only thing I miss from the previous implementation is the ability to sell sets with items.

It would also be nice to have the ability to remove all market items at once
I think TC Boosters and the Qi Booster provide a poor value proposition compared to buying TC or buying Qi and should be reevaluated. I could buy a Qi booster and have an increased incentive to play for a month but be capped at a potential 6k Qi if I hit the Qi cap EVERY DAY. Or I could spend $4 more and miss out on a potential 1k Qi but never have to play a game. I could buy a 10k TC booster for $100 and earn 1kk TC if I hit the win limit for the day, or I could buy 2kk+ (depending on rates) from a TC seller and never have to play a game. The value of the 1000 TC is slightly better at a potential 3kk if the win limit is hit every day for a month, but often deals are made when buying large amounts of TC from a seller and I'm sure the gap could be closed here too.

In terms of the new market, I'd like to be prompted to recreate a purchase request once it's fulfilled. It's a drag creating a bunch of purchase requests so if it was possible to immediately recreate a purchase request with a click once it's fulfilled it would remove the need for multiple requests. On that note a persistent shop notification area would be great, there is unused space in the UI that could be used for this. The recreate button could live there for reupping purchase requests too.

The ability to filter by Qi and price in the shop. On the topic of the shop, it obviously hasn't received the same overhaul as the market. Will the forum shop be phased out in favor of the client?

A credit in the description of a 3d item if it was created by a user. I only recently found out about the Nabi Partner System while looking at someones transaction history. There's no way for a budding item forger to find out which items a particular user has created for an idea of what makes a popular 3d item.

A way to see all 3d items in existence. Whether they are no longer available, event items or one offs. There are stock numbers, item images and descriptions sitting there for those willing to search for a link to the Torishop in someones inventory. Why not just make that information available to the users?

Will Season exclusive items ever become generally available? If not, fine, no big deal, but not having any indication of their existence outside of digging through an inventory or sifting through news threads is mildly confusing.
Last edited by papes; Jan 26, 2023 at 12:08 AM.
Hi, will we ever be allowed to pack a couple items into a set or any variation of that? Would be nice to be able to sell items grouped together in a set.
Originally Posted by Chirox View Post
The new market system is very cool. The only thing I miss from the previous implementation is the ability to sell sets with items.

It would also be nice to have the ability to remove all market items at once

I once mentioned to Goughy that he forgot to implement selling sets in the new market. He told it me wasn't an oversight, and Sir didn't want it to be a feature.
Originally Posted by Nurse View Post
i mentioned this to you in dms a while ago but i do think that tc selling rules should account for human error, after the jojo situation i think ppl should be notified by a bot when their thread expired so that kind of thing doesn't happen again as well as loosening up the rules on tc selling as a whole

I have a couple points to make on this. First, the Toricredits board rules does state how long you have until your thread is automatically moved to the Archive, whether it be for inactivity or scheduled move due to the time limit. Also, I would like TC sellers to get into the habit of checking to ensure they have current threads that are open and approved before they attempt to sell TC, and it's also required to post on their thread to log it so they'd have it open anyway. As for "loosening up the TC rules", I don't know what you mean by that. They are relatively simple and straightforward. They are balanced to protect the buyer as well as the seller. Could you explain in more detail what you want changed?

With that being said, I do appreciate all of you beatiful TC sellers and I have heard a lot about you all wanting this QOL update so I was able to poke around and this suggestion will be implemented in the next few days. You will now recieve a notification when your thread is moved to the archive.

Originally Posted by Shiro View Post

dunno exactly what happened regarding to this item, but:
- you used to be able to buy it for 30k as long as you had the torishop link above
- one of the good stable hairs
- you stopped being able to buy it some time after the 3rd purchase happened
- its current rarity is artificially inflated due to its disappearance from torishop and accessibility only with the direct torishop link
- when I asked sir about it ingame, he said that it was removed due to unpopularity, but the fact that you couldn't access the item without the torishop link contradicts that statement, as far as I know, it wasn't ever displayed in torishop(correct me if I am wrong on that end)

I spoke with the ES leads about this as I was notified that this item was actually a user's custom item that accidentally got listed on the shop which is why it has multiple owners. It will not be returning again.

Originally Posted by Chirox View Post
The new market system is very cool. The only thing I miss from the previous implementation is the ability to sell sets with items.

It would also be nice to have the ability to remove all market items at once

I understand and agree this could be a handy tool, however, after poking aroud it's not going to be possible at this time. Perhaps we can revisit in the future, but as it stands we do not have the capabilities to make this change.

Originally Posted by Corey View Post

1. I think TC Boosters and the Qi Booster provide a poor value proposition compared to buying TC or buying Qi and should be reevaluated. I could buy a Qi booster and have an increased incentive to play for a month but be capped at a potential 6k Qi if I hit the Qi cap EVERY DAY. Or I could spend $4 more and miss out on a potential 1k Qi but never have to play a game. I could buy a 10k TC booster for $100 and earn 1kk TC if I hit the win limit for the day, or I could buy 2kk+ (depending on rates) from a TC seller and never have to play a game. The value of the 1000 TC is slightly better at a potential 3kk if the win limit is hit every day for a month, but often deals are made when buying large amounts of TC from a seller and I'm sure the gap could be closed here too.

2. In terms of the new market, I'd like to be prompted to recreate a purchase request once it's fulfilled. It's a drag creating a bunch of purchase requests so if it was possible to immediately recreate a purchase request with a click once it's fulfilled it would remove the need for multiple requests. On that note a persistent shop notification area would be great, there is unused space in the UI that could be used for this. The recreate button could live there for reupping purchase requests too.

3. The ability to filter by Qi and price in the shop. On the topic of the shop, it obviously hasn't received the same overhaul as the market. Will the forum shop be phased out in favor of the client?

4. A credit in the description of a 3d item if it was created by a user. I only recently found out about the Nabi Partner System while looking at someones transaction history. There's no way for a budding item forger to find out which items a particular user has created for an idea of what makes a popular 3d item.

5. A way to see all 3d items in existence. Whether they are no longer available, event items or one offs. There are stock numbers, item images and descriptions sitting there for those willing to search for a link to the Torishop in someones inventory. Why not just make that information available to the users?

6. Will Season exclusive items ever become generally available? If not, fine, no big deal, but not having any indication of their existence outside of digging through an inventory or sifting through news threads is mildly confusing.

1. I understand the points you're making about the booster cost compared to the TC value, however, in this free-market system the rate of TC fluctates and right now it's a bit inflated. It would not be plausible to change the price of TC boosters every time the TC rate fluctates. We're working on reducing inflation a bit in the near future.

2. I see how this could be a beneficial feature, however, I would like to get some more feedback from other users to see how prevalent this request is before allocating dev time to it.

3. I have asked about this and it's being looked into as we speak. I'll follow up with you in the future about this.

4. While I do understand the premise of this idea, it can and will cause a lot of confusion especially when people change their names and you have to go back and find every item they've created and change their name on all of them. It becomes a bit of a hassle and does more harm than good.

5. This is another one of those dev team priority issues. You can see the item in the user's inventory and I believe there is a running list of all items numbers somewhere as well. As for a database to refrence all of these, there are more projects that dev time can better be allocated to.

6. As a general rule of thumb, no. Season exclusives are meant to be, obviously, exclusive to that season, but every now and then there is poteintal for a re-release. If I recall there was one semi-recently? Not sure.

Originally Posted by 1163 View Post
Hi, will we ever be allowed to pack a couple items into a set or any variation of that? Would be nice to be able to sell items grouped together in a set.

Please see above for my response to chirox.

Originally Posted by Comet View Post
Posting on the right thread:

I read through this and it seems similar to the current charts we have in the market. What specifically are you looking to change? The chart shows recent sale prices which is a relatively decent tracker for valuing current items.
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Originally Posted by Athin View Post
Could you explain in more detail what you want changed?

C) All TC sales must be documented in the Verified TC seller's thread in the Toricredits board within 12 hours of the sale being made. Sellers who fail to document their sales within this allotted time period will receive immediate account suspension.

in my opinion this rule should be adjusted a tiny bit based on the circumstance. in jojo's situation while i agree this sort of thing shouldn't be allowed to happen all the time it will probably end up happening again, and as you have shown by unbanning him agree that maybe it wasn't the best way to go about it. if by the off chance someone genuinely accidentally makes a sale without realizing their thread is down they should at most have their seller verification taken away. i'm shocked that this wasn't already part of the rules, and if you're willing to unban jojo for it i think it only makes sense to include something like this in the rules for the future so no one thinks you're playing favorites by unbanning him when the next person will get the ban treatment.