Weekend Bash
Original Post
Members and stuff
Hi all,
Just wanted to raise a concern I had about the upcoming activity check.

If we want to pass activity checks, the inactive members in the clan itself have to go. It doesn't mean they're kicked out of Evil, just that their account isn't in the group at this time.
Terty for example is a leader but has mostly been afk from toribash due to real life stuff.

My argument is that if we want to keep Evil going, we're going to have to shed out inactive members. They'll forever be in our discord and that's not changing. but I think it's time we discussed as a clan about what to do.

Where should we head as a clan? That's another thing I'd like to discuss. We aren't really in-game as often and it's hard to find active folks.

Let me know your thoughts, We can archive this thread later.
I mean, it depends on what we want to do. Activity checks sort of force our hand to either change or die. I'm just offering an idea. We keep the discord server but cull the completely inactive folks from the toribash forum clan.

I don't really see the problem if our goal is to survive and gain members in the future?
You're free to kick me, I don't care anymore
I'm back on that bull like the cowboy
[Zero] [Parrot] [NOT] [TANG]
akina | oaky | haku | max | suka | static
Let us first recruit active members. If we manage that, then we can kick the inactive ones.
evil Führer of Evil
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
Who has a good "join Evil" spiel I can use in game.

Well, I think you should be honest. We're a clan that is trying to get back on our feet. We want members who are active in one form or another and bring good vibes to our community.
Originally Posted by melrose View Post
just merge with mogul, we're plenty of evil C:

I will go down with this ship.
evil Führer of Evil