Weekend Bash
Original Post

Hello and welcome back to another SLUT OF THE MONTH event, brought to you by the Moth Squad!

In this event you will be provided with a SLUTTY CHALLENGE to perfom in real life. Record yourself being A SLUT and beat the challenges to claim your prize! Extra special prizes will be given out to the BIGGEST SLUT as usual! Practice! Be a slut!

1. Do not break the law
2. People under the age of 18 are NOT ALLOWED to enter
3. Do not use snapchat filters when recording the clips
4. Do not steal another players' clips
5. Do not attempt to enter more than once using multiple accounts
6. To qualify for BIGGEST SLUT you must complete all other challenges
7. You must record in atleast 720p (people sending 480p, 360p, 240p entries will face disciplinary actions)

Game Client:
Go to the News tab in the in-game client and choose the "SOTM" event. Press the "Participate" button located bottom right. Once you press the button you will see a "Submit" button on the bottom of your screen - pressing it will allow you to upload your SLUTTY clips to be reviewed by the Moth Squad. Keep in mind that we will only judge your first clip uploaded this way, if you want to change your entry to a different clip you will need to upload it on the ENVY clan board in the forums. Please try to mention in your post you are changing your entry so we don't think you're trying to receive prizes twice!

Once you are satisfied with your entry make a post in the ENVY clan board with your SLUTTY clips attached. If you want to change or add more clips before the deadline, do NOT edit your post, always make a new post for each clip.

1x Used panties from Akina

+ 176 Shiai Tokens
+ 669,420 Toricoins
+ Hall of Fame

Complete "Hyper Blowjob"
1x Used sandals from Epoch

+ 17 Shiai Tokens
+ 69,420 Toricoins

Complete "Handstand Anal Kamasutra"
150lb sandbag from Afghanistan

+ 100 Shiai Tokens
+ 420,609 Toricoins

October 2 2024, 16:00 UTC

Players who upload their entries via the forums will receive their rewards shortly after the deadline.
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Epochs entry will be hard to beat since he is such a giga slut, but surely someone like Jostene might be able to compete against him in this one
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Thank you for all the entries so far! Soon you wont have time to enter, so be FAST if you still wanna enter!111!

We will start judging your entries with moth squad in couple days. Good luck all!
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Epoch won he is officially the slut now
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime