Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
Breakable grips do exist. I'm not sure if you can set it to break after a set amount of frames though. Also you can just use moving objects, you don't have to make them disappear.

rotatable grips exist, and they're the ones that are breakable, static grips aren't. and my thought was that Szaszuniya wanted the object to disappear so that you would be forced to ungrip and forces wouldn't affect your tori
Originally Posted by jsph View Post
i like your ambition and that you're building on comp mods, what're you smoking to lead you to believe that this game is very flexible though? there's a reason people play the same types of mods year after year and something genuinely innovative only comes every now and then

there is no possible way to make a tori ungrip with default grips through modding at all, the only way to do what you suggest is using the rotatable grips to set a really high tear threshold and then applying some sort of absurdly strong force to tear the grip without breaking the tori in the process. the walls are static anyway, so this isn't really possible either

again, this isn't possible. there is no way to remove an object from a mod during a match. also afaik there's no way for triggers to discern between contact of any kind between a hand and a gripping hand. i have no stake in shooting down your ideas really, if you can figure any of this out then great, modmakers will adopt those novel methods to use elsewhere, but i think it's in your best interest to know what the modmaker is actually capable of

Thank you for your feedback, building off of comp mods is something I intend to do, so players don't have to spend a ridiculous amount of energy to relearn something, and can easily adapt their playstyle to things that im making. If what you say holds true, I will be experimenting so I can understand the modmaker as bigshu is my first published mod ever and I would still consider myself a noob at the game both gameplay wise and modmaking, which is why I am seeking the community out to either give me great advice or alter the strategies of the mods that I publish, giving the players a modder who wants to be flexible in the sense that uploads can be frequent if a variety is asked for, and more. This is my way of giving players a constructor to work with, not fight against. I am all for innovative gameplay so maybe I will make some variations today!!!
"As the legend goes, the Felnin will be reborn time and again, though not always in the same body." - Fels.

- No Ghost Player - Dec 2024
"As the legend goes, the Felnin will be reborn time and again, though not always in the same body." - Fels.

- No Ghost Player - Dec 2024
This is a long reply, but here we go.

I like the idea of this mod. I always imagined how boxshu would be in a larger arena. Here are a few side effects to consider:

- Making the box this big will create longer matches in general. I don't necessarily consider this a bad thing. It's a personal preference.

- Draws will be more common since players will be able to create a lot more distance between each other and potentialy avoid contact throughout the entire fight.

- Queue times will be longer.

- You can expect a lot more "hit and run" strategy.

- The skill required to chase down the other player would be greater. Although boxshu gravity is very forgiving, some relatively inexperienced players will struggle with this.

- More ceiling height and distance between walls = more time spent in the air beign unable to move around. A good portion of the fun of the original boxshu is bouncing off the walls and ceiling often.

- And then, more than the original 1000 match frames would be required to give the players the opportunity to gap close and make the fights more fair. At least 1500 match frames in the current box size in the screenshot, maybe even more.

With all of that taken into consideration, I still think this could be a great competitive mod as it is, but not necessarily a great mod for public servers unless some changes were made to adapt it.

If you wanted to potentially shorten the matches and avoid as many draws, maybe adding an X factor could be the solution. Some extra thing both players would have to worry about. However the only thing I can think that wouldn't divert too much from the original mod would be to make the box slowly shrink down every turn to the regular boxshu size, maybe after 750 frames, more or less. I know this isn't the point of bigshu, but it is probably the best solution to avoid matches dragging on for too long;

Or you could simply make the box smaller than the one in the screenshot.

Another simple solution would be to reduce the reaction time for each turn. You can shave off a minute of two just by doing that.

Alternatively, adding plataforms would make it easier to move around while in the air, and it wouldn't divert too much from the original boxshu depending on their size and placement. If placed and sized correctly, plataforms will not be too much of an obstacle.

Adding objects to avoid, like landmines, lasers, dodge balls bouncing off the walls inside the box and etc would work very well for shortening fight lenghts. However, with those things added, the mod would probably not be played competitively, only just for fun.

So maybe make two versions, one focused on competitive play and another crazier version just for fun?

In my opinion, your idea for this mod goes well with boxshu physics. I will play the mod a bit to be able to point out how it could be improved further. We will see how it goes.
Last edited by Eidolon; Nov 1, 2024 at 07:38 PM.
I will take all of that into consideration, thank you Eidy!!!!!
"As the legend goes, the Felnin will be reborn time and again, though not always in the same body." - Fels.

- No Ghost Player - Dec 2024
Originally Posted by jsph View Post
there is no way to remove an object from a mod during a match

i think you can if you get to certain height(headpoppa.tbm) and the object is not static, works only in mp though
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Ive tried some really cool ideas from people and I thank everyone who's been able to give their own input into what bigshu should be like, I've attempted competitive dynamics and fun dynamics of gameplay and they are all really fun and enjoyable, cheers to December!
"As the legend goes, the Felnin will be reborn time and again, though not always in the same body." - Fels.

- No Ghost Player - Dec 2024