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Sora's Diary
Daily updates from my life because people told me I'm the most interesting.

Keep in mind that I'm not weird, just...
#Limited Edition
#Dora the Exploder
Do you still remember your first/past nick until now? How much tc you’ve spent so far

these fam are unforgettable for sure

Aegis | jdawg2001 | rawrneru | Manta | DarkDranz | Trice | Raiken

Aeon - RAM - Liquor

Originally Posted by Kaito View Post
Do you still remember your first/past nick until now? How much tc you’ve spent so far

That's an interesting topic right off the bat, and I happen to remember most of my past names. My original name was Goesfard in 2014. The only one who truly remembers it is probably Rajen as he still calls me that sometimes. Then I changed my name to Charism in 2016. That didn't cost me anything because it was a new account (my current one). Charism was changed to Sora for 100K TC. I used Sora for a long long time. Then I joined [Aeon] for a while. This is important because Icky changed my name to Dora temporarily and changed it back like a few days later. It didn't cost me TC.

I changed to HeyBoom for a short while because I liked the name. It cost me 200K TC. Changed back to Sora for 400K TC not long after. Then recently I changed to NOTITLE for a few months. Had to pay 800K tc. Had to change back later because everyone called me Sora anyway. Changing back cost me 100K because a new system got introduced recently and now every namechange costs 100K.

Total: 1,6kk

(I also had another name. Someone changed it for a short time due to an ongoing event. I don't remember what I was called there so I left it out on purpose. I also have a few alts. My old Goesfard account now called Fyu-Neru for example. That also cost 100K)
Today I tried instant noodles and the thing was absolutely vile. I almost vomited. It was noodles but there was a black sauce that I had to mix with it. Do people eat that?
Today I tried a limited edition chocolate, caramel, peanut flavored milk. Tasted like Snickers.
posters arc was too funny absolute shitpost clan now forever official

we should do another shitpost clan with goofy as fk name at some point and get it into official using the same methods just for it to die in official clan list
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
Originally Posted by kani View Post
posters arc was too funny absolute shitpost clan now forever official

we should do another shitpost clan with goofy as fk name at some point and get it into official using the same methods just for it to die in official clan list

Posters is legendary if you think about it. The clan has several record under its name. Fastest clan to reach 1000 posts. Fastest clan to reach 2000 posts and so on. Most posts made by a clan in an hour. It's also the only clan that got official with no discord and no in-game activity whatsoever.

But I won't be making another clan like it probably. We can still post there for fun tho.
hi sora how are you doing, have you tried Bun Ga Cari? I recommend trying it it's my favorite dish at the moment .
-Felnin says hi- - No Ghost Player- -Event Squad- -Certified Weirdo- -Crazed Customizer- -TMA Member-