Original Post
Maybe a good idea?
So my suggestion/idea would be... being able to bite in Toribash.
I thought of it many times and it should be realy fun, it would open new dimensions of fighting and the head would not be the same weak spot you have to protect anymore.

What do you guys think?

+Oh yeah, not that good but maybe funny idea: If your oponent damages the spot where usually the ears would be, the noises in toribash will sounds weird or disappear untill the end of the fight.
There's no real reason to have them bite... It wouldn't really add anything special. •Not Supported•
This is toribash, a game about martial arts.
Not cannibalism
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
That would be a funny mod. Not an update.

~Supported... ...Kinda
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
he wants to say to make the head a grab-able body part like hands, only it is more prone for points and decaps

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Not saying anything special in particular just giving an idea and i like the way snoresville thought about it. And @ -Link, i think at least a mod like that would be awesome! :-)
What would be the points, and how would it work. You don't bite normally while fighting and there is pretty close to no way you would gain a advantage while biting. Not Support
My pet rock died today.