Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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What traits do you look for in a conversation partner?
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Honestly wondering what you guys look for in a conversation partner, try to explain why you'd look for the certain traits and etc.
You opened the SpaghettiO's, now you gotta sniff them.
If I was going to converse with someone, I would prefer not a debate hog like you see in politics, but I would want to talk to someone about things in a friendly mood about topics we are both interested in.

I would like the one I am having a conversation with to talk to me in an understanding and normal tone of voice aswell. I don't want to sit down and have a debate to try to win some sort of points with people. It's too stressful.

I guess i'm p normal.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
I usually disagree with everything for the sake of learning and it fucking kills me when people just recite whatever cause is fashionable at the time without even questioning it. wow immigration, gay marriage, wow the government did something bad? no way. wow lets just all agree about everything because we're too scared to think about things. cool.
people generally aren't worth talking to imo. but I guess people who aren't afraid to be wrong, or look at things from a different perspective are the best to chat with because in the end your opinion doesn't mean shit and if you didn't learn anything you wasted your time

this only applies to real life I hate online convos.
I look for someone with different views as me, and when the conversation leads to a debate, I find it's that best moment to study someone and find out what they are really about, and who they really are.