Original Post
3rd Co-Leader
With ShiftV3's leaving there is a spot for Co-Leader open, this spot may not even be filled in the end, but I there is a chance one of you could put it to good use!

Post here the following only:

The name of a current member you think could handle it, and I will put them in the running.

and/or reason why you think YOU should be Co-Leader, if it is good you will be put in the running...

or you can even just vote for a member currently in the running...

Again, this spot probably won't even me filled if either JesseD OR me disagree with the choice, or they don't get a high amount of votes (compared to other contestants).

You may also pull put of the running for Co-Leader ONLY IF you where nominated by someone else, if you nominated yourself you may NOT pull out, so THINK about it FIRST!

Current Applicants:

Last edited by CazRules; Apr 18, 2010 at 10:10 PM.
Something about busses:D