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[TBCR] ToriBash Community Radio
Toribash Community Radio

Coming Soon

TBCR Website

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to the TBCR Organisation post in this thread you can find out all the information about TBCR like the list of DJ's the Timetables and many other useful bits and piece's. Im currently working on this as a solo project and am looking for a team of players with varying tastes in music to fill the positions.
As of current this thread is going through work to make it look neater including a logo. I will also be approaching some respected members of the community about management of this radio. But first we need you! Show your interest and support, our broadcasters rules are below id like to hear your thoughts on the rules and maybe apply if your interested.

The Broadcaster Rules
- Our broadcasters are not allowed to ask on air or off air for donations to there specific show
- Racism/Sexism/Homophobia of any sort is not tolerated
- Broadcasters will not connect at any times apart from there own booked slots/empty slot's

Radio Staff
Name - Position - Locale
CkyToH - Committee/Broadcaster - United Kingdom
Demon - Broadcaster - Germany
Moataz123 - Trial DJ - Egypt
SruX - Trial DJ - USA
(If you have never broadcasted before using shoutcast training will be available)

Nationality :
Timezone :
Favorite Genre's :
About Yourself (200 Words Min) :
What Interests you about TBCR :
What Kind of Content Do you expect to broadcast along with music :
Do you agree to keep to our rules : [Yes/No]


Committee members don't apply they are asked by myself or voted on by other committee members once we have some. The committee basically decide most of the running aspects of the radio including event's and new radio broadcasters but we do take the community opinions into account when it comes to decisions too so remember even if your not a radio staff member you can still have your say over the running of the radio
Last edited by CkyToH; Mar 20, 2015 at 02:50 AM.
same questions as always

platform choice?

scheduling / content matrix?

tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Platform - Shoutcast/Icecast (Winamp / SAMBroadcaster) either of these can be used to connect to the broadcasting server. Hosted in france by OVH
Scheduling will be managed using an interior DJ panel that allow's access to many small but useful features including a requests and feedback system.

Pre-Production will be looked into more heavily once interest for this picks up but i do plan on getting a vareity of genres on the radio rather than everyone playing the same music , Also i plan to make sure this project is heavily based on the toribash community as this is for the community and not for my self. I have no personal gain in this and never will. Anything ever donated by anyone will go right back out into the community but donations will not be a major part of the radio and will never be asked for.

We will be using the most light weight web player i can find also to reduce usage on the listeners computers .

To maintain a constant stream there will also be an auto DJ system that will kick in when no one is broadcasting that will play music from a FTP automatically

@Ele talk shows are most defiantly not out of the question but the talk show's need a format as im sure people wouldn't want to listen to an hour of pure talking.
Last edited by CkyToH; Feb 4, 2015 at 01:27 PM.
Originally Posted by CkyToH View Post
Platform - Shoutcast/Icecast (Winamp / SAMBroadcaster) either of these can be used to connect to the broadcasting server. Hosted in france by OVH
Scheduling will be managed using an interior DJ panel that allow's access to many small but useful features including a requests and feedback system.

Pre-Production will be looked into more heavily once interest for this picks up but i do plan on getting a vareity of genres on the radio rather than everyone playing the same music , Also i plan to make sure this project is heavily based on the toribash community as this is for the community and not for my self. I have no personal gain in this and never will. Anything ever donated by anyone will go right back out into the community but donations will not be a major part of the radio and will never be asked for.

We will be using the most light weight web player i can find also to reduce usage on the listeners computers .

To maintain a constant stream there will also be an auto DJ system that will kick in when no one is broadcasting that will play music from a FTP automatically

@Ele talk shows are most defiantly not out of the question but the talk show's need a format as im sure people wouldn't want to listen to an hour of pure talking.

i'm a bit confused with SAM+Icecast combination, as icecast does allow to play music from folder, but it might be redundant as same can be achieved with SAM using clockwork playlist.

my best suggestion will be to have 2 streams, one is automated with SAM, including jingles, and another one for shows, which become active and take over 1st autostream, so this one can be an actual content matrix, and the one clients (hosts) are using.

atleast this is the way i hope we will be able to achieve, so i could focus on scheduling/content matrix as it's my primary interest in radio project

i don't remember precisely if it's icecast feature or is it possible with shoutcast, but thats the way i was going to set it up, untill i completely lost interest due to TBR being a joke pretty much.

i personally used a basic combo of shoutcast+sam and one stream only, sadly, but i'm sure it would not be a challenge to get it work with 2 streams properly once i get my hands on it again.

also, i hope you do plan on hosting page for this radio, right? can help on this one aswell,

just be aware that you can not make money out of internet radio, sadly, therefore take it as a hobby if you enjoy it, otherwise you may get dissapointed.
Last edited by snake; Feb 4, 2015 at 04:26 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Well snake if your interested in getting involved just send me a pm i do plan on setting up a hosting page for the radio its self with the request system being integrated

sadly from what im aware of the only way to have the stream to switch on the web player would be to manually change the script as soon as the radio is empty but the auto dj systems iv been looking at have been licensed software so im currently looking at a freeware alternative.

But this is why its a community project i want people's ideas and id love to see more people get involved on this.
Originally Posted by CkyToH View Post
but the auto dj systems iv been looking at have been licensed software so im currently looking at a freeware alternative.

does it mean SAM is no longer considered?...
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
You can actualy use what ever broadcasting software you want aslong as it can connect to shoutcast or icecast sam can use both winamp im not to sure about.
Nationality : Slovakian but I live in germany

Timezone : +1 GMT

Favorite Genre's : Metal/Dubstep,DrumandBass but i have also Rap, Epic and alot more genres for listening to.

About Yourself (200 Words Min) :
Hi my name is Dennis im a 18 year old Toribashian and sports guy. I am realy active what makes it nice for me to Broadcast from time to time and it would sure be alot of fun also for others. Not only that but i held also talks in some streams which is nice. As long as i entertain people i am happy and as long as people like me im happy too. Im always up for some jokes even though they sometimes arent THAT funny huehue. And even tho my english lacks a bit of quality i think people understand me. Remembering the times Rutz used to do this and its sad that its over, but if we bring something like that back to life it would be awesome. Aslong as we do it together as a community \o/

What Interests you about TBCR : The idea itself and to share music and entertainment with people, also bringing back a tori radio isnt bad itself.

What Kind of Content Do you expect to broadcast along with music :
Well i would love to talk about events aswell and just overall news also maybe when i am ingame and i see a full room commentate on it. All is up to the now and where. Otherwise i would also like to get ideas to talk about or interviewing people. Song suggestions would also be a big part of it since thats what people like aswell :P

Do you agree to keep to our rules : [Yes/No]
Ofcourse i do! Would be a shame if i didnt right?
Nationality : American

Timezone : Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Favorite Genre's : i love a little bit of every thing but mostly classic and alternative rock

About Yourself (200 Words Min) : My name is Kurt, I am a 16 year old blond haired brown eyed guy (obscure reference). I love to music it has always been a major part of my life. I play the piano and also sing. I love to make Single Player replays and I’m trying to teach myself how to do parkour. I love to talk and just entertain people in general. I have been told that I am a very entertaining and comical I can do lots of weird and unusual things for example I can rotate my arm 360 degrees and I can juggle. I also enjoy to read as long as I am reading a good book. Another one of my many passions is I love to cook I mostly cook sweets like banana bread or pumpkin roll. In the summer I am going to try to become a certified life guard and hopefully try to get a decent paying job during the summer as a life guard at a summer camp or a public pool. I am in my high school's stage crew. I also love animals I have a dog and a cat. TCR would be a very fun and new experience for me that is if I get accepted of course thank you for reading this Love SruX PS no homo
What Interests you about TBCR :what intrests me most about TBCR is that it's a new station that i can help out with and watch grow i want to help it become the amazing radio station i know it can be

What Kind of Content Do you expect to broadcast along with music : well i would talk about current events that were happening in the world and maybe even back stories behind some music

Do you agree to keep to our rules : [Yes/No]