Original Post
[DSC] Puff Redefined.
PUFF has been reborn, my brethren.


One day Pkuhl was sitting in his room wondering why he was so bored. "All flash games are the SAME" he whispered quietly to himself. Thus, his quest began. FIND THE MOST AWESOME GAME EVER. After about 30 minutes of searching (thank god dial-up is a thing of the past), he began his Toribash life. He was having fun, laughing, playing, learning. However, PKuhl was sad. He had no friends that played Toribash! That is when he asked mcmuffin to join. Mcmuffin was not very good at first. However, with practice, he learned new tricks and soon got quite good. One day mcmuffin proposed that we both join a clan. He suggested one, but I suggested another. Amongst quarrels and debate, we found resolve in creating a new clan. Thus, PUFF was born.

The Story:

On the seventh Night of existence, there was a clash in the outer reaches of the universe. Some believe it was the second big bang. Some believe it is where God rested. I, and only I, know the truth. It was this Night that sacrifice became a reality. A godly creature, Puff, had come from the future to stop the creation of the universe altogether, for the future had become a vile and evil place, but he had come at the wrong time. It was too late. In his rage, he ripped the outer lining of the Universe, creating a void through which nothing could survive. The godly creature, however, in his attempt to undue his mistake, sacrificed himself as a block for the rip. To this day he stands there in agony and pain, regretting his mistake and waiting for something to save him. It is in his honor that we fight.


Puff aims to unite players in a friendly environment and a relaxing attitude while still maintaining a strong training program for intermediate players. Our clan does not aim to be full of Black Belts and higher, although it hopefully will eventually look that way. We aim to help immerse those that still have things to learn in a way that they will improve at a fast pace.

pkuhl (2ndDan): Founder, recruiter, moderator of forum, 1st in command
mcmuffin: Co-Founder, recruiter 2nd in command

BROWN or lower
Kungfool 3rd in command

apps, please PM pkuhl
Last edited by PKuhl; Apr 4, 2008 at 03:36 AM.
and lo He came upon the sinner with little mercy. henceforth from this moment on He shall be known as PK, the painkiller.

Puff will sacrifice himself for the greater good as punishment for his rage. It is in His honor that we fight.