Original Post
New Event
OK well sense most members are becoming inactive i will be hosting a new even at least once a month to keep everyone active(like an activity check)

Each event will be a mod that you are REQUIRED to complete or at least attempt.

If you are going to be inactive during that even you must notify me or another co-leader.
So what's the mod?

[Team aikido] [Olda] |DaF|
>Bro Flame forger, Marketer(>'-')> GIVE
idk yet i will let you guys know and if its a mod you have to dl i will have it in the first post.
I'm not really in-game active. I'm online at the forums every day...

I do make stuff, in singleplayer and i never save the replays...

So, what's the first mod?

I hope something parkour-ish or skating...
Toribash Breakdancing Tutorials
The Real Gentlemen | Dead and Forgotten | To The Top
these will all be single player replays because we have to different of timezones.
Originally Posted by hhu80 View Post
these will all be single player replays because we have to different of timezones.

Okay, sounds good.

Hopefully we'll get an activity boost by this
Toribash Breakdancing Tutorials
The Real Gentlemen | Dead and Forgotten | To The Top
Umm, sorry, I don't have ToriBash anymore and my laptop doesn't have the space, I think.
i need TC! plz help!