Original Post
[S] 3D Tori Render Shop

Welcome to my 3D render shop, here I will be making and selling 3D Renders to people who wish to buy one. The main purpose of this shop is to make some TC and to help me practice making renders at the same time so I can get better. I'm by no means a pro at this, but they look pretty cool. In my examples you will see that I haven't used background colours etc, that is because I have mainly been working on just the tori.

Price: 10k per render.


Request format:
Type of render?
General description:
Type of render (Single tori, multiple toris):
Any text on the render?:
Extras (like items etc):
Background colours?:
Additional information:

Have a nice day
Last edited by Albus; May 19, 2013 at 12:45 PM.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Type of render?
General description:My tori standing in a savannah with lions around. Not shiny
Type of render (Single tori, multiple toris):single
Any text on the render?oodledoo the Lion
Details:Me with somelions and grass deserty area "savannah"
Extras (like items etc):Just me and some lions or add me a tail if u want lol
Shiny/non shiny? (see examples):Non shiny
Background colours?:Casual savannah colors realistic
Additional information:None really
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